Docket Number


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Brief of Appellant

Publication Date



JOSE S. SALAZAR and MILDRED O. APPELLATE CASE No. SALAZAR 20010297-CA Plaintiffs - Appellants Rule 29 Priority 15 -vs- THRIFTY NICKEL INC., a Utah Corporation, WANT ADS OF SALT LAKE CITY, INC., a Utah Corporation, SOUTHERN CROSS, INC. a Utah Corporation, ROBERT L. CHRISTENSEN, and NORMAN WILKINSON Defendants and Appellees BRIEF OF APPELLANT Appeal from the ORDER OF DISMISSAL OF DEFENDANT ROBERT L. CHRISTENSEN by the HONORABLE J. DENNIS FREDERICK Third District Court Salt Lake County, Utah


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Court of Appeals; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Scott A. Cal; James H. Tily; Anderson & Karrenberg; Attorneys for Defendant.
Conrad B. Houser; Attorney for Plaintiffs.


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