Docket Number


Document Type

Brief of Appellant

Publication Date



ARMAND L. SMITH, Individually and as Trustee for the Armand L. Smith, Jr. And Shannon S. Windham Trusts, and VIRGINIA L. SMITH, Individually, Plaintiffs/Appellees, v. PRICE DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, a Utah Corporation, n/k/a FAIRFAX REALTY, INC., NORTH PLAINS LAND COMPANY. LTD., a Utah limited partnership, and NORTH PLAINS DEVELOPMENT COMPANY, LTD., a Utah limited partnership, Defendants, The State Treasurer, Edward T. Alter of the State of Utah, for and in behalf of THE STATE OF UTAH, Rule 19 Defendant/ Appellant.

Case No. 200440675

BRIEF OF APPELLANT Appeal from the Summary Judgment Order dated June 24,2004 which was directed to be the final judgment against the State of Utah pursuant to Rule 54 by the Third District Court in and for Salt Lake County, State of Utah, the Honorable Frank G. Noel, District Court Judge, Presiding.


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Supreme Court; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Robert S. Campbell, Jr. ; Jenifer J. Anderson Whitlock; Van Cott, Bagley, Cornwall; McCarty; Attorneys for Appellees.
James S. Jardine; Ray, Quinney & Nebeker; Reed L. Martineau; Rex E. Madsen; Snow, Christensen; Attorneys for Defendants; Kevin V. Olsen; Assistant Attorney General; Mark L. Shurtleff; Attorney General; Attorneys for Appellants.


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