BYU Law Review

Published in six issues annually, the BYU Law Review is the preeminent legal publication of the J. Reuben Clark Law School. The BYU Law Review is edited and published by BYU Law students.
Follow @BYULRevCurrent Issue: Volume 50 (2024), Issue 2 (2024)
Full Issue
SAVING CAMELOT? NIL and the Future of Amateurism
William W. Berry III
What is Deeply Rooted in the Constitution?
Thomas P. Crocker
The Prosecutor Vacancy Crisis
Adam M. Gershowitz
Is an Autonomous Vehicle a Roller Coaster or a Hollywood Film? Trust, Safety, and Industry Self-Regulation
Tracy Hresko Pearl
BYU Law Review
Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Morgan Bronson
- Managing Editor of Administration
- Braden Reese
- Managing Editor of Publication
- Rebecca Knowles
- Managing Editor of Technology
- John McDonald
- Executive Editors
Joshua Buckner
Sarah Calvert
Abram Dorrough
Natasha Flora
Bridger Page
Taylor Percival James - Lead Articles Editors
Taylin Antonick
T. Jonathan Mix
Keil Nicholas
Marshall Ringwood
Wesley White - Symposium Articles Editor
- Hannah Biesinger
- Lead Note & Comment Editors
Alyssa Hunzeker
Sonja Smith Shinedling
Bonnie Stewart - Lead Senior Editor
- David Griffiths
- Senior Editors
Kevin Auman
Robert L. Borden
Liesa Bruin
Eliza Gutierrez
Naomi Hilton
Claire Hopkins
Taylor Jeanfreau
Benson Killpack
Rebekkah Leavitt-Hatch
Fiona Lindsey
Cassidy McCleary
Ryan Quade
Jenni Trogden
Hannah Uffens - Associate Editors
Sam Adams
Mark Albrechtsen
Anna Bailey
Mary Bowers
Abby Carr
Jon Chalmers
Drew Chandler
Bug Chapman
Trey Chauncey
Seth Christensen
Michael Clark
Solveig Clifford
Taylor Crofts
James Davis
Jessica Dofelmire
Mason Evans
Jason Harline
Paige Herrmann-Ballard
Benjamin S.Hill
Christopher Hill
Kaelin Hirschi
Megan Hofstetter
Timothy Kelleher
Abigail Kime
Annie Miner
Allison Mitton
Sam Nielsen
Kaitlyn Nielson Hyde
Jackson O’Hare
Mason Pennock
Samuel Rather
Nathan Rich
Matthew Rich
Macy Smith
Scott Swain
Hunter Tarry