Law School Archives | Brigham Young University Law School Research | BYU Law Digital Commons
The collected archive of publications from the J. Reuben Clark Law School at BYU.

Annual Reports
Beginning in 2011, the reports provide statistical snapshots and other information about the faculty, students, and alumni of BYU Law.

Clark Memorandum
The semi-annual joint publication of the BYU Law Alumni, J. Reuben Clark Society, and BYU Law.
The Memorandum on the Monroe Doctrine written by J. Reuben Clark, Undersecretary of State to the Coolidge Administration, argued that the Monroe Doctrine, the guiding policy for U.S. relations with Latin America, had the purpose of protecting Latin American nations from European intervention. The document came to be known as the "Clark Memorandum".

Life in the Law
The BYU Law School was charged at its founding to "teach the laws of men in the light of the laws of God." This series of books contains articles and speeches by faculty and visitors to BYU Law that address the practical and philosophical experience of practicing law in that same light.


Browse the Law School Archives Collections:

The BYU Advocate (& Annual Reports)

The Clark Memorandum

Life in the Law

BYU Law Library Publications