Docket Number
Document Type
Brief of Respondent
Publication Date
RESPONDENTS1 BRIEF Appeal from the Industrial Commission State of Utah Administrative Law Judge Timothy C. Allen
Public record document (some rights may be reserved).
Recommended Citation
Brief of Respondent, Wilstead v. Industrial Commission of the State of Utah, No. 890456 (Utah Court of Appeals, 1989).
Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Court of Appeals; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Michael E. Dyer; Brad C. Betebenner; Richards, Brandt, Miller and Nelson; Attorneys for Respondents West Way Motor Freight and Liberty Mutual Insurance Company. Erie V. Boorman; Administrator, Employee Reinsurance Fund; Attorney for Respondent Employer Reinsurance Fund.
David D. Peck; Dunn and Dunn; Attorneys for Appellant.