Docket Number


Document Type

Legal Brief

Publication Date



State of Utah, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Dagbert A. Young, Defendant and Appellant

NOTICE Case No. 990133-CA On July 6, 1999, appellant filed his opening brief in this matter. By letter dated August 5, 1999, Thomas Brunker, Assistant Attorney General, notified this court that the Office of the Attorney General will not be filing an appearance in this matter and therefore it will not be filing a brief. Accordingly, this matter shall be submitted to the court for decision on appellant's brief only. Dated this August 10, 1999.


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Court of Appeals; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Jan Graham; Utah Attorney General.
Dagbert Young.


Public record document (some rights may be reserved).

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