ANDREA TINDLEY, individually; JOHN SABODSKI, individually; ANDREA TINDLEY and JOHN SABODSKI for the Estate of Eric Sabodski; DAVID HORMAN and SUSAN HORMAN for the Estate of JEFF HORMAN; BH, a minor, by and through his natural parents DAVID HORMAN and SUSAN HORMAN; ERIN ANDERSON, and MATT EHRMAN, Plaintiffs, v. SALT LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT Defendant. : Reply Brief

Utah Court of Appeals

Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Court of Appeals; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Barry G. Lawrence; Assistant Attorney General; Attorneys for Defendant.
Ralph C. Petty; Berrett & Associates; Attorneys for Plaintiff.


ANDREA TINDLEY, individually; JOHN SABODSKI, individually; ANDREA TINDLEY and JOHN SABODSKI for the Estate of Eric Sabodski; DAVID HORMAN and SUSAN HORMAN for the Estate of JEFF HORMAN; BH, a minor, by and through his natural parents DAVID HORMAN and SUSAN HORMAN; ERIN ANDERSON, and MATT EHRMAN, Plaintiffs, v. SALT LAKE CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT. Defendant. Supreme Court No. 20030581 Priority No.: 15 Lower Case No.: 020905816 REPLY BRIEF OF APPELLANTS DAVID AND SUSAN HORMAN On Appeal from the Third Judicial District Court State of Utah Honorable Stephen L. Henroid