Docket Number


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Reply Brief

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Appellate Case No. 20030868-CA REPLY BRIEF OF APPELLANT This is an appeal from one conviction of equity skimming, a third degree felony, in violation of Utah Code Ann. §76-6-522, and four convictions of acting in capacity without a license when required, a class A misdemeanor, in violation of Utah Code Ann. § 41-3-201, entered in the Eight Judicial District Court for Uintah County, State of Utah, the Honorable A. Lynn Payne, Judge, presiding.


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Court of Appeals; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Kris Leonard; Assistant Attorney General; Attorneys for Appellee.
Walter F. Bugden; Tara L. Isaacson; Budgen and Isaacson, l.l.c; Elizabeth Hunt; Attorneys for appellant.


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