Docket Number


Document Type

Brief of Appellant

Publication Date



BRIEF OF APPELLANT This is an appeal from a finding of guilt by a jury for Assault of a Police Officer, a class A misdemeanor, and resisting arrest a class B misdemeanor. The Defendant was found guilty on April 1,2004. He was sentenced on May 11,2004 to a term of one year in the county jail. The Defendant was placed on probation and all but two months of the jail time was suspended. This Court has jurisdiction pursuant to U.C.A. §78-2a-3(e).


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Court of Appeals; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Box Elder County Public Defenders; Attorney for Appellant.
Box Elder Attorneys Office; Attorneys for Appellee.


Public record document (some rights may be reserved).

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