"Purkey v. Roberts" by Utah Court of Appeals

Docket Number


Document Type

Brief of Appellant

Publication Date



IN THE UTAH COURT OF APPEALS JIM PURKEY AND JAN PURKEY, Plaintiffs, v. KENT MAX ROBERTS AND JILENE ROBERTS*, Defendants/Cross-Claimants/ Appellant, v. DR. ROGER RUSSELL,* Cross-Defendant/Appellee. * - Parties on Appeal CaseNo.:20110365-CA Dist. Ct. Case No.: 070600015 BRIEF OF APPELLANT Appeal from a Final Judgment and an Order Denying Motion to Alter or Amend the Judgment of the Sixth Judicial District Court in and for Sanpete County, The Honorable Marvin D. Bagley Presiding Jerry D. Reynolds 230 N. 350 E. Orem,UT 84057 Attorney for Appellee Michael E. Day (7843) Nathan Whittaker (11978) DAY SHELL & LILJENQUIST, L.C. 45 E. Vine St. Murray, UT 84107 Attorneys for Appellant


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Court of Appeals; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Jerry D. Reynolds; Attorney for Appellee.
Michael E. Day; Nathan Whittaker; Day Shell & Liljenquist; Attorneys for Appellant.


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