Docket Number


Document Type

Brief of Respondent

Publication Date



BRIEF OF RESPONDENTS Appeal from t h e Judgment of T h i r d D i s t r i c t Court i n and for S a l t Lake County, S t a t e of Utah H o n o r a b l e Timothy R. Hanson, Judge p r e s i d i ng


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Supreme Court; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Lon Rodney Kump, David J. Bird; Richards, Bird and Kump; Dorothy C. Pleshe, Russell C. Kearl; Callister, Duncan and Nebeker; Attorneys for Appellant.
Roger F. Cutler; Salt Lake City Attorney; Attorney for Respondents.


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