Docket Number


Document Type

Legal Brief

Publication Date



I wish to correct an error in the S t a t e ' s responsive brief filed in the Bishop case. At the top of page 70, the c i t a t i o n to the Oregon case should be: State v. Ott, 61 Or. App, 576, 659 P.2d 388, 392 (1983), rev'd on other gr ' d s , 686 P.2d 1001 (1984).


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Supreme Court; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
David L. Wilkinson; attorney general; attorney for resopndent.
Jo Carol Nesset-Sale; Curtis C. Nesset; Salt Lake Legal Defender Assoc.; attorneys for appellant.


Public record document (some rights may be reserved).

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