William J. Colman v. A. J. Butkovich and Geneva A. Butkovich, husband and wife; G. W. Anderson and Jeanne D. Banks, and all unknown persons who claim any interest in the subject matter of this action : Brief of Appellant

Docket Number


Document Type

Reply Brief

Publication Date



Appeal from an Order and Judgment of the Third Judicial District Court in and for Summit County, Honorable Ernest F. Baldwin, Judge.


Original Brief Submitted to the Utah Supreme Court; digitized by the Howard W. Hunter Law Library, J. Reuben Clark Law School, Brigham Young University, Provo, Utah; machine-generated OCR, may contain errors.
Robert W. Adkins; Summit County Attorney; Attorney for Appellant.
Ralph J. Marsh; Backman, Clark & Marsh; Attorneys for Respondent.


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