Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal
Volume 2011, Number 1 (2011)
Psychology and Law in the Classroom: How the Use of Clinical Fads in the Classroom may Awaken the Educational Malpractice Claim
Brian J. Gorman, Catherine J. Wynne, Christopher J. Morse, and James T. Todd
The Forgotten Students: The Implications of Federal Homeless Education Policy for Children in Hawaii
Clifton S. Tanabe and Ian Hippensteele Mobley
BYU Education and Law Journal
Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Cristie Carter Bake
- Executive Editor
- Kirstin Hansen
- Managing Editor – Publication
- S. Michael Gadd
- Publications Editor
- McKenzie Armstrong
- Managing Editor – Administration
- Clayton Cox
- Note & Comment Editors
- Peachie Jones
Annette Thacker - Solicitations Editors
- Gregg Jeffs
Andrew Stoddard - Lead Articles Editors
Scot Bayles
Autumn Begay
Robert Jonas
Danielle Jones - Submissions Editors
Cade Buck
Lindsay Lofgran
Rachel Miller
Alyssa Mungia - Senior Editors
Brad Lowe
Sandra Mazan
Tyler Stoehr
Vance Wilson - Associate Editors
Keith Barlow
Mary Ditto
Brooke Edwards
Lornalei Meredith
Adam Monteith
Jennifer Pearson
Stephanie Redd
Graham Robinson
Jake Romney
Jessica Tyler - Faculty Advisor
- Scott E. Ferrin
- Dean Advisor
- Kif Augustine-Adams