Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law

Current Issue: Volume 37 (2023), Issue 2
Full Issue
Race, Ethnicity, and Fair Housing Enforcement: A Regional Analysis
Charles S. Bullock III, Charles M. Lamb, and Eric M. Wilk
Political Fragmentation in the Democracies of the West
Richard H. Pildes
Hospitals and Local Taxation: The Troubled Tale of Property Tax
Matthew S. Johnson
BYU Journal of Public Law
Editorial Board
- Editors-in-Chief
- Elena Miller
Cristian Torres - Managing Editors of Articles
- Grant Rasmussen
Camille Anjewierden - Managing Editor of Publication
- Rajdeep Trilokekar
- Managing Editors of Administration
- Cristian Torres
Johnny Blood - Managing Editors of Submissions
- Brittany Thorley
Tanya Lockett - Managing Editor of Technology
- Johnny Blood
- Executive Editors
Alea Beeston
Katrina Cole
Madeline Olsen
Sarah Lucas
Margaret Jarvis - Lead Editors
Natallia Dummar
Nicholas Loosle
Alec Monson - Associate Editors
Camille Anjewierden
Kimberly Farnsworth
Margaret Jarvis
Jacob Johnston
Tanya Lockett
Eric Munton
Landon Tracy
Katelyn Webb
Jeremy Wilson