A collection of research papers submitted for various courses at the BYU Law School.
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Submissions from 2006
The Law and the Way in Psalm 119 and 2 Nephi 9, Brian Holdaway
Capital Punishment in the Ancient World: Waxing Nostalgic, Benjamin G. Jackson
Obesity Epidemic: the Societal Impact of U.S. Agribusiness's Influence on Agricultural and Nutritional Laws, Ryan Kerns
The Role of the Substitute King Ritual in Ancient Israelite History, Jason Lloyd
Homosexuality and the Law: An Exploration of the History that Affects the Future of Homosexual Legislation, Kiersty Loughmiller
Gentile Christian Dietary Law as Outlined in Acts 15, Tianna Lovell
The Strangers in the Land: Who They are and Israel's Responsibility Toward Them, David Lurth
Law, the Temple, and Maintenance of Order in the Ancient Near East, Daniel O. McClellan
A Farce as the Eye Can See: Retooling the American Bar Association's Standard 211, Joseph McGregor
The Epidemic Called Child Abuse, Margot Merrill-Johnson
Baseball, Apple Pie, and the Vilification of Lawyers: An American Tradition, Gary D. Millward
Getting Back To Where We Started A Different Perspective on the History of Mankind, Dion A. Morwood
Lehi and Slavery, Dion A. Morwood
Legislation in the Ancient World: An Informal Power, Jack Newman
The Laws of Lawyering: The Origins, Development and Utility of Rules Directing the Ethical Practice of Law, Jack Newman
Legal Terminology in the Book of Mormon, John J. Nielsen
The Economic Origins of the Constitution: A Survey and Critique of Three Scholars, John J. Nielsen
Planting the Flag: European Doctrine of Discovery and Its Impacts on American Indians, Elisabeth Parker
Protection v. Punishment: The Development and Implications of Megan's Law, Jackie Pilling
Regime Change: A Guide to Strengthening Utah's Property Condition Disclosure Regime, Aaron Renfro
Strange Fruit: The Relationship Between Law and the Development of Black Music, Jared Richards
Passion in the Origins of the Constitution: Enemy Yet Catalyst?, Lisa M. Sawyer
New Wine in Old Bottles: Software and Intellectual Property Laws, Bart Seeley