Utah Court Briefs | Brigham Young University Law School
This collection contains public record legal briefs submitted to the Utah Supreme Court and Utah Appellate Court and supplied to the Hunter Law Library by the courts for the purposes of legal scholarship and academic research.

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Submissions from 2017


JOSEPH GOECKERITZ, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, Defendant/Appellee : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


KATHY ENGLE, Appellant, vs. WENDE THRONE, Special Administrator and Trustee, JUDY ENGLE, ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, ALEXA THAYER, and BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Kathy Engle, Appellant, v. Wende Throne, Special Administrator and Trustee, Judy Engle, Eldean Roy Engle, Britta Lynn Wilcken, Alexa Thayer, and Bullock Law Firm, Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Kathy Engle, Petitioner/Appellant v. Wende M. Throne, Respondent Judy Engle, Petitioner Eldean Roy Engle, Petitioner Britta Lynn Wilcken, Petitioner Alexa Thayer, Petitioner and Bullock Law Firm, Former Counsel To the Estate Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


KATHY ENGLE, Petitioner/Appellant v. WENDE M. THRONE, Respondent JUDY ENGLE, Petitioner ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, Petitioner BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, Petitioner ALEXA THAYER, Petitioner AND BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Former Counsel to the Estate Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


Kathy Engle, Petitioner/Appellant v. Wende M. Throne, Respondent Judy Engle, Petitioner Eldean Roy Engle, Petitioner Britta Lynn Wilcken, Petitioner Alexa Thayer, Petitioner and Bullock Law Firm, Former Counsel To the Estate Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


KATHY ENGLE, Petitioner/Appellant v. WENDE M. THRONE, Respondent JUDY ENGLE, Petitioner ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, Petitioner BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, Petitioner ALEXA THAYER, Petitioner AND BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Former Counsel to the Estate Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


KATHY ENGLE, Petitioner/Appellant v. WENDE M. THRONE, Respondent JUDY ENGLE, Petitioner ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, Petitioner BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, Petitioner ALEXA THAYER, Petitioner AND BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Former Counsel to the Estate Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


Kurtis Andersen, Petitioner/Appellant, v. Scott Crowther, Warden, Utah State Prison, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals


Labor Commission, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, v. Derek Price, Appellee/Cross-Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Labor Commission, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, v. Derek Price, Appellee/Cross-Appellant : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


LABOR COMMISSION, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, vs. DEREK PRICE, Appellee/Cross-Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


LABOR COMMISSION, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, vs. DEREK PRICE, Appellee/Cross-Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


Labor Commission Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Derek Price, Defendant-Appellee : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


LABOR COMMISSION Plaintiff-Appellant, v. DEREK PRICE, Defendant-Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


Labor Commission Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Derek Price, Defendant-Appellee : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


LABOR COMMISSION Plaintiff-Appellant, v. DEREK PRICE, Defendant-Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA, Defendant/Appellant, BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA; HARRY MCMURDIE; and SHIRA MCMURDIE, Counterclaim & Third-Party Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Counterclaim Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA, Defendant/Appellant, BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA; HARRY MCMURDIE; and SHIRA MCMURDIE, Counterclaim & Third-Party Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Counterclaim Defendant/Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. BANK OF UTAH, CUSTODIAN FOR HARRY MCMURDIE IRA, and DOES 1-10, Defendant/Appellant BANK OF UTAH, CUSTODIAN FOR HARRY MCMURDIE IRA; HARRY MCMURDIE; and SHIRA MCMURDIE, Counterclaim & Third-Party Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. LUKE D. JEPPESEN and JOHN ZANE JEPPESEN, Counterclaim Defendant and Third-Party Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Lynessa Michelle Anderson, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. Loren Price Anderson Respondent/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals


Mark Elden Erickson, Petitioner/Appellant v. Alfred Bigelow, Respondent/Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals


Mark Elden Erickson, Petitioner/Appellant v. Alfred Bigelow, Respondent/Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals


Mary Ellen Robertson Petitioner/Appellee, v. Michael Stevens Respondent/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON Petitioner/Appellee, v. MICHAEL STEVENS Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON Petitioner/Appellee, v. MICHAEL STEVENS Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


Michael Furness, Petitioner, v. Utah State Board of Education, Respondent. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


MICHAEL FURNESS, Petitioner, v. UTAH STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, Respondent. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


Michael Stevens, Appellant, v. Mary Ellen Robertson, Appellee : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


MICHAEL STEVENS, Appellant, v. MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON, Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


MICHAEL STEVENS, Appellant, v. MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON, Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


MUDDY BOYS INC. Petitioner, vs. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF UTAH, Respondent. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


MUDDY BOYS, INC., Petitioner, v. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF UTAH, Respondent. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Osman Mohammed Noor, Peti Tione1/ Appellant, v. State of Utah, Respondent/Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals


Osman Mohammed Noor, Petitioner/ Appellant, v. State of Utah, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals


Ostler v. Utah State Retirement Board, Utah Court of Appeals


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff and Appellee, vs. KDA CORPORATION, a Utah, corporation, et al., Defendant and Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY, INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff/Appellee vs. K D A CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, et al., Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY, INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff/Appellee vs. K D A CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, et al., Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY, INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff/Appellee vs. KDA CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, et al., Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


Raymond M. Snyder Petitioner, Appellant vs. Utah Labor Commission Western Construction Spec., Utah Property and Casualty Curantee Assoc., Fremont Insurance Group Respondent, Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Raymond M. Snyder Petitioner, Appellant vs. Utah Labor Commission Western Construction Spec., Utah Property and Casualty Curantee Assoc., Fremont Insurance Group Respondent, Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Raymond M. Snyder Petitioner, Appellant vs. Utah Labor Commission Western Construction Spec., Utah Property and Casualty Curantee Assoc., Fremont Insurance Group Respondent/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


RICHARD E. GARDINER Plaintiff, Appellant/Cross-Appellee and Landlord vs. NELS ANDERSON Defendant, Appellee/Cross-Appellant and Tenant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


RICHARD E. GARDINER, Plaintiff Appellant/Cross-Appellee v. NELS ANDERSON Defendant Appellee/Cross-Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


Rodney B. Benson, Petitioner/Appellant, v. Utah Labor Commission, Utah Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control, and WCF Mutual Insurance Company (WCF) Respondents/Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


RODNEY BENSON Petitioner/Appellant, vs. UTAH LABOR COMMISSION, et. al. Respondents/Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


RODNEY BENSON Petitioner/Appellant, vs. UTAH LABOR COMMISSION, et. al. Respondents/Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


ROGER BRYNER, Petitioner/Appellant, v. State Attorney General Respondent/Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


ROGER BRYNER, Petitioner/Appellant, v. State Attorney General Respondent/Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


ROGER BRYNER, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. UTAH ATTORNEY GENERAL'S OFFICE, Defendant-Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


Russel Augustus, Petitioner v. Vernal City and Vernal City Apppeals Board, Respondent, Utah Court of Appeals


Russel Augustus, Petitioner v. Vernal City and Vernal City Apppeals Board, Respondent, Utah Court of Appeals


Sandy City, Plaintiff/Appelle, vs. Kristina Zemaitiene, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals


Sandy City, Plaintiff/Appelle, vs. Kristina Zemaitiene, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals


SARA SKOLNICK, M.D., Appellee, vs. EXODUS HEALTHCARE NETWORK, PLLC, Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


SARA SKOLNICK, M.D., Appellee, vs. EXODUS HEALTHCARE NETWORK, PLLC, Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


SARA SKOLNICK, M.D. Plaintiff and Appellee, v. EXODUS HEALTHCARE NETWORK, PLLC, Defendant and Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


SHANE NEBEKER, Appellant, vs. TRISHA ANN ORTON, Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


SHANE NEBEKER, Petitioner/Appellant, vs. TRISHA ANN ORTON, Respondent/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah1 Plaintiff/ Appellee, v. Samuel Aaron Francis, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH Appellee, v. RORY DUSTIN PENCE Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, P;aintiff/Appellee vs. Thomas Edward Egley, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah Plaintiff/ Appellant, v. Bryant Milton Raines, Defendant/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. ADAM ZAKARIA AHMED, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Daniel Wayne Fakatou, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Daniel Wayne Fakatou, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. David Bruce Buttars, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. DAVID BRUCE BUTTARS, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. David Bryce Jones, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. DAVID BRYCE JONES, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. DAVID BRYCE JONES, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Eddie A. Salazar, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. EDDIE A. SALAZAR, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Jacquan David Wilson, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. JACQUAN DAVID WILSON, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Jacquan David Wilson, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Jacquan David Wilson, Defendant/Appellant : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. JACQUAN DAVID WILSON, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. JENNIFER ORYALL, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee v. John Robert Fox, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Reynaldo Thomas Martinez, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. REYNALDO THOMAS MARTINEZ, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Reynaldo Thomas Martinez, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. REYNALDO THOMAS MARTINEZ, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. REYNALDO THOMAS MARTINEZ, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Robert Brian Walton, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Robert Brian Walton, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. ROBERT BRIAN WALTON, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Robert Peter Mendez, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. RORY DUSTIN PENCE, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee vs. Amelia Suzanne Hoffman, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Scott Alan Rasmussen Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. SCOTT ALAN RASMUSSEN Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. SCOTT ALAN RASMUSSEN, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. JENNIFER ORYALL, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. JENNIFER ORYALL, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee vs. Jessie Dean Sheffield, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Steven Williams, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals


State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Zachary Rigby Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals