Utah Court of Appeals Briefs (2007– 2019) | Brigham Young University Law School


Submissions from 2018


STUART WOOD and LAURIE WOOD, Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. KNS INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C., a Utah limited liability company and UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC., a Delaware corporation, Defendant and Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180040


Stuart Wood and Laurie Wood, Plaintiffs and Appellants v. KNS International, L.L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company and United Parcel Service, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Defendants and Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180040


STUART WOOD and LAURIE WOOD, Plaintiffs and Appellants v. KNS INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C., a Utah limited liability company and UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC., a Delaware corporation, Defendants and Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180040


Stuart Wood and Laurie Wood Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. KNS International, L.L.C., a Utah Limited Liability Company and United Parcel Service, Inc., a Delaware Corporation, Defendant/Appellee : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180040


STUART WOOD and LAURIE WOOD Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. KNS INTERNATIONAL, L.L.C., a Utah limited liability company and UNITED PARCEL SERVICE, INC., a Delaware corporation, Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180040


The Bank of New York Mellon as Trustee for the Certificate Holders Cwmbs Series 2006-Hyb5; Plaintiff and Appellee. v. Paula A. Mitchell; Defendant and Appellant. America First Credit Union; and Pepperwood Homeowners Association; Defendants (Not Participating In Appeal) : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180141


THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON as TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS CWMBS SERIES 2006-HYB5; Plaintiff and Appellee. vs. Paula A. Mitchell; Defendant and Appellant. AMERICA FIRST CREDIT UNION; and PEPPERWOOD HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; Defendants (not participating in appeal). : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180141


THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON as TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATE HOLDERS CWMBS SERIES 2006-HYBS; Plaintiff and Appellee. vs. Paula a. Mitchell; Defendant and Appellant. AMERICA FIRST CREDIT UNION; and PEPPERWOOD HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION; Defendants (not participating in appeal). : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180141


THE BANK OF NEW YORK MELLON FKA THE BANK OF NEW YORK, AS TRUSTEE FOR THE CERTIFICATEHOLDERS CWMBS SERIES 2006-HYB5, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. PAULA A. MITCHELL, Defendant and Appellant. AMERICA FIRST FEDERAL CREDIT UNION, PEPPERWOOD HOMEOWNER'S ASSOCIATION, and JOHN DOES 1-5, Defendants (not participating). : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180141


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Jeremy Bowden, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170318


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee v. Joseph Crescencio Granados, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180055


THE STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee v. JOSEPH CRESCENCIO GRANADOS, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180055


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee v. Joseph Crescencio Granados, Defendant/Appellant : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180055


THE STATE OF UTAH, Plaintiff/Appellee v. JOSEPH CRESCENCIO GRANADOS, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180055


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Matthew Gordon Eyre Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180016


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Matthew Gordon Eyre Defendant/Appellant : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20180016


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee v. Todd Mulliner, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170552


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee v. Todd Mulliner, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170552


The State of Utah, Plaintiff/Appellee v. Travis Scott Murray, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170022

Submissions from 2017


American Express Bank , Fsb, Plaintiff / Appellee, v. James Tanne, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160363


American Express Bank, Fsb, Plaintiff/ Appellee v. James T Anne, Defendant / Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160363


American Express Bank, Fsb, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. James Tanne, Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160363


Bank of America, N.A., Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Loraine Sundquist and John Doe/Jane Doe/Occupant Doug Kahler, an Individual, Defendants-Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170014


BOUNTIFUL CITY, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. NATHAN DAVID BAIZE, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170154


BOUNTIFUL CITY, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. NATHAN DAVID BAIZE, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170154


BOUNTIFUL CITY, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. NATHAN DAVID BAIZE, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170154


Bruce Harper, Appellant/Petitioner, Vs. Utah Labor Commission, Energy Enterprises, Inc., and Drive Line, LLC., Appellees/Respondents, : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170945


Bruce Harper, Appellant, vs. Utah Labor Commission, Energy Enterprises, Inc., and Drive Line, LLC., Appellees, : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170945


BRUCE HARPER, Claimant/Petitioner, v. UTAH LABOR COMMISSION, ENERGY ENTERPRISES, INC., AND DRIVE LINE, LLC, Respondents/Respondents. : Breif of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170945


Carbon/Emery Telcom, Inc., Petitioner vs. Utah Public Service Commission, Respondent, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160496


Enervest, Ltd, Successor in Interest to (District Court Case No. 560800056) Bill Barrett Corp., Appellant, vs. :Tvnchael Carlson, Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160394


Gaspar Avila, Petitioner and Appellant, vs. Taylorsville City, Respondent and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160612


Gaspar Avila, Petitioner and Appellant, vs. Taylorsville City, Respondent and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160612


Gaspar Avila, Petitioner and Appellant, vs. Taylorsville City, Respondent and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160612


Hammons v Weber County Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151074


Heartwood Home Health & Hospice, LLC, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Rita Huber and Glenna Molyneux, Defendants/Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170221


Heartwood Home Health & Hospice, Llc,, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Rita Huber, and Glenna Molyneux, Defendants/Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170221


Heartwood Home Health & Hospice, LLC, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Rita Huber and Glenna Molyneux, Defendants/Appellees : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170221


HEARTWOOD HOME HEALTH & HOSPICE, LLC, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. RITA HUBER and GLENNA MOLYNEUX, Defendants/Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170221


HEARTWOOD HOME HEALTH & HOSPICE, LLC,, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. RITA HUBER, AND GLENNA MOLYNEUX, Defendants/Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170221


HEARTWOOD HOME HEALTH & HOSPICE, LLC, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. RITA HUBER and GLENNA MOLYNEUX, Defendants/Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170221


In Re Estate of Donald Bret Kouns, Decedent, Greg Torgerson, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Estate of Donald Bret Kouns, Defendant and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160758


In Re Estate of Donald Bret Kouns, Decedent, Greg Torgerson, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Estate of Donald Bret Kouns, Defendant and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160758


In Re Estate of Donald Bret Kouns, Decedent, Greg Torgerson, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Estate of Donald Bret Kouns, Defendant and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160758


Intermountain Surgical, LLC, Petitioner / Appellant, vs. Whitney A. Nesbitt, Jacob C. Loveland, Ignacio Buenrostro, Ester Buenorostro, and Hon. Ryal I. Hansen Respondents / Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170701


Intermountain Surgical, LLC, Petitioner / Appellant, vs. Whitney A. Nesbitt, Jacob C. Loveland, Ignacio Buenrostro, Ester Buenorostro, and Hon. Ryal I. Hansen Respondents / Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170701


Intermountain Surgical, LLC, Petitioner / Appellant, vs. Whitney A. Nesbitt, Jacob C. Loveland, Ignacio Buenrostro, Ester Buenorostro, and Hon. Ryal I. Hansen Respondents / Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170701


IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOYCE LUTZ MORRIS Deceased. CAROLYN PERKINS, H. CONWEY MORRIS, PAUL MORRIS, and JOYCE MORRIS Plaintiffs/Appellees vs. MARK L. MORRIS and DIANE MORRIS, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170330


IN THE MATTER OF THE ESTATE OF JOYCE LUTZ MORRIS Deceased. MARK L. MORRIS and DIANE MORRIS Defendants/Appellants, vs. CAROLYN PERKINS, H. CONWEY MORRIS, PAUL MORRIS, and JOYCE MORRIS Plaintiffs/Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 201703301


Javier Rojas, Petitioner/Appellant, v. Utah Labor Commission, Ferrari Color and/or Workers Compensation Fund, Respondents/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160644


Javier Rojas, Petitioner/Appellant, v. Utah Labor Commission, Ferrari Color and/or Workers Compensation Fund, Respondents/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160644


Javier Rojas, Petitioner/Appellant, v. Utah Labor Commission, Ferrari Color and/or Workers Compensation Fund, Respondents/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160644


Jodi Howick Appellant v. Salt Lake City Corporation, Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150738


John Fenley, Plaintiff/Appellant vs. Provo City, Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170405


John Kuhni Sons, Inc., a Utah Corporation, Petitioner, v. Utah Labor Commission Occupational Safety and Health Division, . Respondent., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160953


John Kuhni Sons, Inc., a Utah Corporation, Petitioner, v. Utah Labor Commission, Occupational Safety and Health Division, Respondent., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160953


JOSEPH GOECKERITZ, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, Defendant and Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170625


JOSEPH GOECKERITZ, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY,, Defendant/Appellee : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170625


JOSEPH GOECKERITZ, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. NEWSPAPER AGENCY COMPANY, Defendant/Appellee : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170625


KATHY ENGLE, Appellant, vs. WENDE THRONE, Special Administrator and Trustee, JUDY ENGLE, ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, ALEXA THAYER, and BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170382


Kathy Engle, Appellant, v. Wende Throne, Special Administrator and Trustee, Judy Engle, Eldean Roy Engle, Britta Lynn Wilcken, Alexa Thayer, and Bullock Law Firm, Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170382


Kathy Engle, Petitioner/Appellant v. Wende M. Throne, Respondent Judy Engle, Petitioner Eldean Roy Engle, Petitioner Britta Lynn Wilcken, Petitioner Alexa Thayer, Petitioner and Bullock Law Firm, Former Counsel To the Estate Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170382


KATHY ENGLE, Petitioner/Appellant v. WENDE M. THRONE, Respondent JUDY ENGLE, Petitioner ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, Petitioner BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, Petitioner ALEXA THAYER, Petitioner AND BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Former Counsel to the Estate Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170382


Kathy Engle, Petitioner/Appellant v. Wende M. Throne, Respondent Judy Engle, Petitioner Eldean Roy Engle, Petitioner Britta Lynn Wilcken, Petitioner Alexa Thayer, Petitioner and Bullock Law Firm, Former Counsel To the Estate Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170382


KATHY ENGLE, Petitioner/Appellant v. WENDE M. THRONE, Respondent JUDY ENGLE, Petitioner ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, Petitioner BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, Petitioner ALEXA THAYER, Petitioner AND BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Former Counsel to the Estate Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170382


KATHY ENGLE, Petitioner/Appellant v. WENDE M. THRONE, Respondent JUDY ENGLE, Petitioner ELDEAN ROY ENGLE, Petitioner BRITTA LYNN WILCKEN, Petitioner ALEXA THAYER, Petitioner AND BULLOCK LAW FIRM, Former Counsel to the Estate Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170382


Kurtis Andersen, Petitioner/Appellant, v. Scott Crowther, Warden, Utah State Prison, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160676


Labor Commission, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, v. Derek Price, Appellee/Cross-Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


Labor Commission, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, v. Derek Price, Appellee/Cross-Appellant : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


LABOR COMMISSION, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, vs. DEREK PRICE, Appellee/Cross-Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


LABOR COMMISSION, Appellant/Cross-Appellee, vs. DEREK PRICE, Appellee/Cross-Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


Labor Commission Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Derek Price, Defendant-Appellee : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


LABOR COMMISSION Plaintiff-Appellant, v. DEREK PRICE, Defendant-Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


Labor Commission Plaintiff-Appellant, v. Derek Price, Defendant-Appellee : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


LABOR COMMISSION Plaintiff-Appellant, v. DEREK PRICE, Defendant-Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170734


LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA, Defendant/Appellant, BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA; HARRY MCMURDIE; and SHIRA MCMURDIE, Counterclaim & Third-Party Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Counterclaim Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170062


LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA, Defendant/Appellant, BANK OF UTAH, Custodian for Harry McMurdie IRA; HARRY MCMURDIE; and SHIRA MCMURDIE, Counterclaim & Third-Party Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Counterclaim Defendant/Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170062


LUKE D. JEPPESEN, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. BANK OF UTAH, CUSTODIAN FOR HARRY MCMURDIE IRA, and DOES 1-10, Defendant/Appellant BANK OF UTAH, CUSTODIAN FOR HARRY MCMURDIE IRA; HARRY MCMURDIE; and SHIRA MCMURDIE, Counterclaim & Third-Party Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. LUKE D. JEPPESEN and JOHN ZANE JEPPESEN, Counterclaim Defendant and Third-Party Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170062


Lynessa Michelle Anderson, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. Loren Price Anderson Respondent/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160507


Mark Elden Erickson, Petitioner/Appellant v. Alfred Bigelow, Respondent/Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170073


Mark Elden Erickson, Petitioner/Appellant v. Alfred Bigelow, Respondent/Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170073


Mary Ellen Robertson Petitioner/Appellee, v. Michael Stevens Respondent/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170415


MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON Petitioner/Appellee, v. MICHAEL STEVENS Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170415


MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON Petitioner/Appellee, v. MICHAEL STEVENS Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170415


Michael Furness, Petitioner, v. Utah State Board of Education, Respondent. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170444


MICHAEL FURNESS, Petitioner, v. UTAH STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION, Respondent. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170444


Michael Stevens, Appellant, v. Mary Ellen Robertson, Appellee : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170415


MICHAEL STEVENS, Appellant, v. MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON, Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170415


MICHAEL STEVENS, Appellant, v. MARY ELLEN ROBERTSON, Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170415


MUDDY BOYS INC. Petitioner, vs. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF UTAH, Respondent. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170938


MUDDY BOYS, INC., Petitioner, v. THE DEPARTMENT OF COMMERCE OF THE STATE OF UTAH, Respondent. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170938


Osman Mohammed Noor, Peti Tione1/ Appellant, v. State of Utah, Respondent/Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160797


Osman Mohammed Noor, Petitioner/ Appellant, v. State of Utah, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160797


Ostler v. Utah State Retirement Board, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160220


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff and Appellee, vs. KDA CORPORATION, a Utah, corporation, et al., Defendant and Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170312


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY, INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff/Appellee vs. K D A CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, et al., Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170312


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY, INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff/Appellee vs. K D A CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, et al., Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170312


PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY OF NEVADA, INC., a Nevada corporation n/k/a PIONEER BUILDERS COMPANY, INC., a Utah domesticated corporation, et al., Plaintiff/Appellee vs. KDA CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, et al., Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20170312


Raymond M. Snyder Petitioner, Appellant vs. Utah Labor Commission Western Construction Spec., Utah Property and Casualty Curantee Assoc., Fremont Insurance Group Respondent, Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160822


Raymond M. Snyder Petitioner, Appellant vs. Utah Labor Commission Western Construction Spec., Utah Property and Casualty Curantee Assoc., Fremont Insurance Group Respondent, Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160822