Submissions from 2016
Jacob D. Williams, an Individual, Plaintiff/Appellant vs. Craig Alan Anderson, an Individual, and Quinn Zite, an Individual, and Anderson Zite, LLC (F/K/a/ Fix a Phone, LLC), a Utah Limited Liability Company, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150886
Jacob D. Williams, an Individual, Plaintiff/Appellant vs. Craig Alan Anderson, an Individual, Quinn Zite, an Individual, and Anderson Zite, LLC (F/K/a Fix a Phone, LLC), a Utah Limited Liability Company, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150886
James Robert Rawcliffe, Plaintiff and Appellant, V, Robert Anciaux, Et Al., Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150852
JEAN A. RAPOPORT AND RICHARD N. RAPOPORT, Trustees of the RAPOPORT FAMILY TRUST Appellants vs. JUDY MARTIN, an individual and FOUR LAKES VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, A Utah Nonprofit corporation Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160935
JEAN A. RAPOPORT AND RICHARD N. RAPOPORT, Trustees of the RAPOPORT FAMILY TRUST Appellants vs. JUDY MARTIN, an individual and FOUR LAKES VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, A Utah Nonprofit corporation Appellees : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160935
JEAN A. RAPOPORT and RICHARD N. RAPOPORT, Trustees of the Rapoport Family Trust, Plaintiffs and Appellants, vs. JUDY MARTIN, an individual and FOUR LAKES VILLAGE HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION, A Utah nonprofit corporation, Defendants and Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160935
Jeramery McElhaney and Mary McElhaney, Appellees, v. The City of Moab and Moab City Council, Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160142
Jeramery McElhaney and Mary McElhaney, Petitioners/Appellees, v. The City of Moab and Moab City Council, Respondents/Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160019
Jeramery McElhaney and Mary McElhaney, Petitioners/Appellees, v. The City of Moab and Moab City Council, Respondents/Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160019
John Da Yid Ingles, Plaintiff/ Appellant, vs. Larry Leon Woodrum and Loretta Wood Woodrum, Defendants/ Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150814
John Da Yid Ingles, Plaintiff/ Appellant, vs. Larry Leon Woodrum and Loretta Wood Woodrum, Defendants/ Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150814
John Elias Scott, Appellant vs. Andrea Odette Pena, Apelllee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150862
John Mardesich, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Anthony Bros. Construction, a Utah Corporation, Dba Anthony Bros. Pool & Spa; Sun Hill Homes, l.c., and John Does I-X, Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150730
John Mardesich, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Anthony Bros. Construction, a Utah Corporation, Dba Anthony Bros. Pool & Spa; Sun Hill Homes, l.c., and John Does I-X, Defendants and Appellees. Anthony Bros. Construction, a Utah Corporation, Dba Anthony Bros. Pool& Spa, Third-Party Plaintiff, v. Marie Mardesich, Third-Party Defendant and Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150730
John Mardesich, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Anthony Bros. Construction, a Utah Corporation, Dba Anthony Bros. Pool & Spa; Sun Hill Homes, l.c., and John Does I-X, Defendants and Appellee (Sun Hill) Anthony Bros. Construction, a Utah Corporation, Dba Anthony Bros. Pool& Spa, Third-Party Plaintiff, v. Marie Mardesich, Third-Party Defendant and Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150730
John Mardesich, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Antiiony Bros. Construction, a Utah Corporation, Dba Anthony Bros. Pool & Spa; Sun Hill Homes, l.c., and John Does I-X, Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150730
Joseph Edwards Plaintiff I Respondent, vs. Michael Carey and Wendy Carey, and Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Defendants I Appellants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151096
Joseph Edwards Plaintiff I Respondent, vs. Michael Carey and Wendy Carey, and Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Defendants I Appellants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151096
Joseph Edwards Plaintiff I Respondent, vs. Michael Carey and Wendy Carey, and Seirus Innovative Accessories, Inc. Defendants I Appellants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151096
Jp's Landscaping and Auto Owners Insurance Co., Appellants, vs. Utah Labor Commission and Alberto Mondragon Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150898
Kachina Choate, Plaintiff/ Appellant, v. Ars-Fresno, LLC, a California Company, Defendant/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151054
Kachina Choate, Plaintiff-Appellant vs. Ars-Fresno LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, Defendant-Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151054
Kachina· Choate, Plaintiff-Appellant vs. Ars-Fresno LLC, a California Limited Liability Company, Defendant-Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151054
Kelli A. Gonzalez, Plaintiff/Appellant v. Department of Workforce Services, Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150582
KELLIE P. SUNDAY, (nka, KELLIE WEAVER) Petitioner/Appellee v. ERNEST J. PEASE, Respondent/Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160164
KELLIE P. SUNDAY, Petitioner/Appellee, v. ERNEST J. PEASE, Respondent/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160164
Kelli Gonzalez, Plaintiff-Appellant, vs. Utah Department of Workforce Services, Defendant-Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150582
Kirsteen Blocker (a.k.a. Morkel), Petitioner/ Appelle, v. Michael Blocker, Respondent/ Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150723
Kirsteen Blocker (Morkel), Petitioner and Appellee, vs. Michael Blocker, Respondent and Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150720
KRAIG T. HIGGINSON, an individual; and MARK BURDGE, an individual, Defendants/Appellants, v. JACQUELYNN D. CARMICHAEL and MEGAN M. MOSS, as personal representatives of THE ESTATE OF JAMES E. MORTON, Plaintiffs/Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160211
KRAIG T. HIGGINSON, an individual, and MARK BURDGE, an individual, Defendants/Appellants, vs. JACQUELYNN D. CARMICHAEL and MEGAN M. MOSS, as personal representative of THE ESTATE OF JAMES E MORTON, Plaintiffs/Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160211
KRAIG T. HIGGINSON, an individual, and MARK BURDGE, an individual, Defendants/Appellants, vs. JACQUELYNN D. CARMICHAEL and MEGAN M. MOSS, as personal representatives of THE ESTATE OF JAMES E MORTON, Plaintiffs/Appellees. : Brief of Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160211
Kristen Pulham, Petitioner. v. William Kirsling Respondent, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150577
KTM HEALTH CARE, INC., a Utah Corporation, Plaintiff and Appellee/Cross-Appellant, v. SG Nursing Home LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, doing business as KOLOB CARE AND REHABILITATION OF ST. GEORGE, and APEX HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, LLC, an Illinois limited liability Company, Defendants and Appellants/Cross-Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160558
KTM HEALTH CARE, INC., a Utah Corporation, Plaintiff and Appellee/Cross-Appellant, v. SG Nursing Home LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, doing business as KOLOB CARE AND REHABILITATION OF ST. GEORGE, and APEX HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, LLC, an Illinois limited liability Company, Defendants and Appellants/Cross-Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160558
KTM HEALTH CARE, INC., Plaintiff and Appellee/Cross-Appellant, v. SG NURSING HOME, LLC, dba KOLOB CARE & REHABILITATION OF ST. GEORGE and APEX HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, LLC, Defendants and Appellants/Cross-Appellees. : Brief of Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160558
KTM HEALTH CARE, INC., Plaintiff and Appellee/Cross-Appellant, v. SG NURSING HOME, LLC, dba KOLOB CARE & REHABILITATION OF ST. GEORGE and APEX HEALTHCARE SOLUTIONS, LLC, Defendants and Appellants/Cross-Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160558
Kurtis Andersen, Petitioner and Appellant v. Scott Crowther, Warden, Utah State Prison Utah State Prison, Et Al, Defendant and Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160676
KYLE D. ASHWORTH AND JAMIE ASHWORTH, husband and wife, Appellants/Plaintiffs, vs. RIKI L. LEWIS AND BRENDA H. LEWIS, husband and wife, Appellees/Defendants. : Opening Brief of Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20161027
KYLE D. ASHWORTH AND JAMIE ASHWORTH, husband and wife, Appellants/Plaintiffs, vs. RIKI L. LEWIS AND BRENDA H. LEWIS, husband and wife, Appellees/Defendants. : Reply Brief of Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20161027
KYLE D. ASHWORTH AND JAMIE ASHWORTH, husband and wife, Plaintiff, vs. RIKI L. LEWIS AND BRENDA H. LEWIS, husband and wife, Defendants. : Principle Brief of Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20161027
Kylee J. Sandusky, Petitioner/ Appellee v. George A. Sandusky Respondent/ Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160131
Kylee J. Sandusky, Petitioner/ Appellee v. George A. Sandusky Respondent/ Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 110705198
Kylee J. Sandusky, Petitioner/ Appellee v. George A. Sandusky Respondent/ Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 114500103
Kylee J. Sandusky, Petitioner/Appellee v. George A. Sandusky Respondent/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160131
KYLIE LEE Plaintiff/Appellant vs. KENNETH WILLIAMS, and MOAB FAMILY MEDICINE, Defendants/Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160198
KYLIE LEE Plaintiff/Appellant vs. KENNETH WILLIAMS, and MOAB FAMILY MEDICINE, Defendants/Appellees : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160198
Larry Harmon, Petitioner-Appellant vs. Utah Board of Pardons and Parole, Respondent-Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160192
Leslie D. Mower; Ld Iii, LLC; Ld Ranch, LLC, Plaintiffs/Appellants v. David R Simpson, Landmark Real Estate, Inc., Wood Springs, LLC, Pheasant Meadows, LLC, Kristin Mackey; Dean Mackey, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150549
Lori Ramsay and Dan Smalling, Appellants, vs. Utah State Retirment Board, and Kane County Human Resource Special Service District, Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150574
Lori Ramsay and Dan Smalling, Appellants, vs. Utah State Retirment Board, and Kane County Human Resource Special Service District, Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150574
Lori Ramsay and Dan Smalling, Appellants, vs. Utah State Retirment Board, and Kane County Human Resource Special Service District, Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150574
Lynessa Michelle Anderson, Petitioner/Appellee, v. Loren Price Anderson Respondent/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160507
Marjorie Ann Brown, Appellant/Plaintiff, v. Lennie Williams as Personal Representative of the Estate of Alice Faye Nelson, Appellee/Defendant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150412
Marjorie Ann Brown, Appellant/Plaintiff, v. Lennie Williams as Personal Representative Ofthe Estate of Alice Fa Ye Nelson, Appel Lee/Defendant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150412
Marjorie Ann Brown, Plaintiff/ Appellant, v. The Estate of Alice Nelson, Defendant/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150412
MARK A. PIERCE; JULIE D. PIERCE, Defendants and Appellants, vs. CAROL H. PETERSON, TRUSTEE OF THE LARRY A. AND CAROL H. PETERSON FAMILY TRUST, UAD, February 7, 2003, Plaintiff and Appellee : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160778
Michael and Susan Morris, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. Garrett B. Gunderson, Freedom Fast Track, LLC, Andrew Howell and Durham Jones & Pinegar. p.c., Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150604
Michael and Susan Morris, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. Garrett B Gunderson; Freedom Fast Track , LLC; Andrew Howell; Durham Jones & Pinegar, Pc, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150604
Michael J. Van Leeuwen, Appellant, vs. Bank of America., Et Al. Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150610
Michael J. Van Leeuwen, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Bank of America, n.a., Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150610
Michael Strand, Plaintiff and Appellee, vs. Nupetco Associates, LLC, Defendant and Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151016
Mike's Smoke, Cigar & Gifts, Petitioner/ Appellant v. City of St. George, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151030
Mike's Smoke, Cigar & Gifts, Petitioner/ Appellant v. City of St. George, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151030
Mike's Smoke, Cigar & Gifts, Petitioner/ Appellant v. City of St. George, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151030
Mn, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151030
MORIAH LEE CHESLEY, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. BENJAMIN WADE CHESLEY, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160193
MORIAH LEE CHESLEY, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. BENJAMIN WADE CHESLEY, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160193
MORIAH LEE CHESLEY, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. BENJAMIN WADE CHESLEY, Respondent/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160193
Nani Nau Plaintiff/Appellant v. Safeco Insurance Company of Illinois, a Washington Corporation. Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150427
Nani Nau Plaintiff/Appellant v. Safeco Insurance Company of Illinois, a Washington Corporation. Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150427
NATIONAL TITLE AGENCY, LLC, and WILLIAM D. ROWLEY, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160806
NATIONAL TITLE AGENCY, LLC, a Utah limited liability company; WILLIAM D. ROWLEY, an individual, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, a Delaware corporation, Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160806
Neal K. Ostler, Appellant/Petitioner, vs. Utah St Ate Retirement Board, Appellee/Respondent., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160220
Neal K. Ostler, Appellants/Plaintiffs, vs. Utah State Retirement Board, Appellees/Defendants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160220
Neal K. Ostler, Petitioner, vs. Utah State Retirement Board, Respondent., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160220
NORTHGATE VILLAGE DEVELOPMENT, LC, a Utah limited liability company, Plaintiff/Appellant v. CITY OF OREM, a municipal corporation and political subdivision of the State of Utah, Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160408
Outfront :Media, LLC, Fka . Cbs Outdoor, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Salt Lake City Corporation; Corner Property, l.c., and Utah Outdoor Advertising, Inc., Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160150
Outfront Media, LLC, Fka Cbs Outdoor, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Salt Lake City Corporation; Corner Property, l.c., and Utah Outdoor Advertising, Inc., Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160150
Outfront Media, LLC, Fka Cbs Outdoor, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Salt Lake City Corporation; Corner Property, l.c., and Utah Outdoor Advertising, Inc., Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160150
Outfront Media, LLC, Fka Cbs Outdoor, Plaintiff/ Appellant, v. Salt Lake City Corporation; Corner Property, l.c.; And Utah Outdoor Advertising, Defendants/Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160150
Outfront Media, LLC, Fka Cbs Outdoor, Plaintiff/ Appellant, vs. Salt Lake City Corporation; Corner Property, l.c., and Ut Ah Outdoor Advertising, Inc., Defendants /Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160150
Outfront Media, LLC, Tka Cbs Outdoor, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Salt Lake City Corporation; Corner Property, l.c., and Utah Outdoor Advertising, Inc., Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160150
PATRICIA K. PORENTA, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. LOUISE PORENTA, ROBERT HENRY COPIER, AND DIAMOND FORK LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160243
PATRICIA K. PORENTA, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. LOUISE PORENTA, ROBERT HENRY COPIER, AND DIAMOND FORK LAND & LIVESTOCK COMPANY Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160243
PATRICIA MUNOZ, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. MARTIN CARLOS, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20161013
PATRICIA MUNOZ, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. MARTIN CARLOS, Respondent/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20161013
PATRICIA MUNOZ, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. MARTIN ROBERTO CARLOS-MORAN, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20161013
Patrick Liley, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Utah Department of Transportation, a Division of the State of Utah, Juab County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Utah, Sanpete County, a Political Subdivision of the State Ofutah, Cedar Springs Ranch, Inc., Utah court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150267
Patrick Liley, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Utah Department of Transportation, a Division of the State of Utah, Juab County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Utah, Sanpete County, a Political Subdivision of the State Ofutah, Cedar Springs Ranch, Inc., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150267
Patrick Liley, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Utah Department of Transportation, a Division of the State of Utah, Juab County, a Political Subdivision of the State of Utah, Sanpete County, a Political Subdivision of the State Ofutah, Cedar Springs Ranch, Inc., a Utah Corporation, and Dale Do Rius, an Individual, Defenμant and Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150267
Paul R. Sauer, Ii, Petitioner and Appellant, vs. Pauline L. Sauer, Respondent and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150952
Penn Smith, Plaintiff/ Appellee, vs. V Alden Cram, as Executive-Trustee Under the Declaration of Trust Dated 11/26/93, Operating Under the Name of the Terrestrial Kingdom of God, Defendant/Appelleejohn H. Kirkland, Et Al., Intervenors/ Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150637
Penn Smith, Plaintiff/ Appellee,v. Valden Cram, as Exectutive Trustee Under the Declaration of Trust Dated 11/26/93, Operating Under the Name of the Terrestrial Kingdom Ofgod, Defendant/Appel Lee, John H. Kirkland, Et Al. Lntervenors/Appellants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150637
Peter S. Linker, Appellee, v. Erica J. Linker, Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150920
PHILLIP GRIMM, an individual, Plaintiff and Appellee / Cross-Appellant, v. DxNA LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Defendant and Appellant/Cross-Appellee : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160455
PHILLIP GRIMM, an individual, Plaintiff-Appellee, v. DxNA LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Defendant-Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160455
PHILLIP GRIMM, Plaintiff and Appellee/Cross-Appellant, v. DxNA LLC, a Delaware limited liability company, Defendant and Appellant/Cross-Appelle. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160455