Utah Court of Appeals Briefs (2007– 2019) | Brigham Young University Law School


Submissions from 2016


William Sherratt, Appellant, v. Utah Judiciary, Appellants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150313


William Sherratt, Petitioner, v. St Ate of Ut Ah, Et Al, Respondents., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150313


YAN ROSS and RANDI WAGNER, Plaintiffs and Appellees, v. GLOBAL FRAUD SOLUTIONS, INC., Defendant MICHAEL BARNETT Third Party Intervenor and Appellant Douglas R. Short Rule 11 Respondent and Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160652


YAN ROSS and RANDI WAGNER, Plaintiffs/Appellees, vs. GLOBAL FRAUD SOLUTIONS, LLC Defendant, MICHAEL BARNETT, Rule 64(e) Third Person Claimant Douglas R. Short Rule 11 Respondent/Appellant : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160652


YAN ROSS and RANDI WAGNER, Plaintiffs/Appellees, vs. GLOBAL FRAUD SOLUTIONS, LLC Defendant, MICHAEL BARNETT, Rule 64(e) Third Person Claimant Douglas R. Short Rule 11 Respondent/Appellant : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160652


Zen Healing Arts, LLC., D/B/a Beaches Bodyworks, Jeff Stucki, and Leisa Metcalf Plaintiffs/Appellants vs. Utah Department of Commerce, Division of Occupational and Professional Licensing Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160241


Zen Healing Arts, LLC., D/B/a Beaches Bodyworks, Jeff Stucki, and Leisa Metcalf Plaintiffs/Appellants vs. Utah State Department of Commerce, Utah Division of Occupational Licensing, and John Does I-X Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20160241

Submissions from 2015


Aaron Smith, Appellant, vs. Rocio Smith, Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151023


Aaron Smith, Appellant, vs. Rocio Smith, Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151023


AFTON B. THOMAS, Trustee of the J.M. TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant v. JODY K. MATTENA, an individual, Defendant/Appellee, AFTON B. THOMAS, Trustee of the KENT E. THOMAS MARITAL TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. GEORGE TENNYSON MATTENA; JODY K. MATTENA, Individuals; and BAD LANDS BOW HUNTERS, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company Defendants/Appellees, : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150987


AFTON B. THOMAS, Trustee of the J.M. TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant vs. JODY K. MATTENA, Defendant/Appellee. AFTON B. THOMAS, Trustee of the KENT E. THOMAS MARITAL TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. GEORGE TENNYSON MATTENA; JODY K. MATTENA; and BAD LANDS BOW HUNTERS, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Defendants/Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150987


AFTON B. THOMAS, Trustee of the J.M. TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant vs. JODY K. MATTENA, Defendant/Appellee. AFTON B. THOMAS, Trustee of the KENT E. THOMAS MARITAL TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. GEORGE TENNYSON MATTENA; JODY K. MATTENA; and BAD LANDS BOW HUNTERS, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Defendants/Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150987


Alan Hoskins, Jr., Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Ogden Auto Body, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 21050381


Alan Hoskins, Jr., Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Ogden Auto Body, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 21050381


Alterra, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company Plain Tiff/ Appellee, v. Jeffrey Larson, Defendant/ Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150223


Alterra, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff/ Appellee, vs. Jeffrey Larson, an Rndividual, Defendant/ Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150223


Alterra, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff/ Appellee, vs. Jeffrey Larson, an Rndividual, Defendant/ Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150223


ANDREA P. LINDSTOM, Petitioner/Appellant, v. CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING, INC. dba CARPETS OF AMERICA, INC., Respondent/Appelle. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150510


ANDREA P. LINDSTROM, Petitioner/Appellant, v. CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING, INC. dba CARPETS OF AMERICA, INC., Respondent/Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150510


ANDREA P. LINDSTROM, Petitioner/Appellant, v. CUSTOM FLOOR COVERING, INC. dba CARPETS OF AMERICA, INC., Respondent/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150510


Andrew L. Ellsworth, Et Al., Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. Terry Huffstatler, Et Al., Defendants/ Appellees. Terry Huffstatler, Et Al., Petitioner/ Appellant, vs. Mark L. Ellsworth, Et Al., Respondents/ Appellees. Terry Huffstatler, as Trustee of the Barbara May Ellsworth Trust, Intervenor Plaintiff/ Appellee, vs. Mark L. Ellsworth, Co-Trustee of the Ellsworth Family Trust., Intervenor Defendant/ Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150478


Andrew L. Ellsworth, Et Al., Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. Terry Huffstatler, Et Al., Defendants/ Appellees. Terry Huffstatler, Et Al., Petitioner/ Appellant, vs. Mark L. Ellsworth, Et Al., Respondents/ Appellees. Terry Huffstatler, as Trustee of the Barbara May Ellsworth Trust, Intervenor Plaintiff/ Appellee, vs. Mark L. Ellsworth, Co-Trustee of the Ellsworth Family Trust., Intervenor Defendant/ Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150478


Aspenwood Real Estate Corporation, Elite Legacy Corporation, and Hilary "Skip" Wing, Plaintiff/Appellees, vs. Charles "Chuck" Schvaneveldt Defendant/Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140978


Aspenwood Real Estate Corporation, Elite Legacy . Corporation, and Hilary "Skip" Wing, Plaintiffs/ Appellants, vs. Cathy Code Defendant/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130854


Aspenwood Real Estate Corporation, Elite Legacy Corporation, and Hilary "Skip" Wing, Plain Tiffs/ Appellants, vs. Cathy Code Defendant/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130854


Aspenwood Real Estate Corporation, Elite Legacy Corporation, and Hilary "Skip" Wl~g, Plaintiffs/ Appellees, vs. Charles "Chuck" Schv Aneveldt Defendant/ Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130746


Aspenwood Real Estate Corporation, Elite Legacy Corporation, and Lillary "Skip" Wing , Plaintiffs/ Appellants, vs. Cathy Code, Defendant / Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130854


Autem Jones K,n,a Autem Hirschfeld, Peitioner and Appellee, vs. Timothy Jones, Respondent and Appellant : Answering Appellee Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140618


Autem Jones, Petitioner and Appellee, , v. Timothy Keith Jones, Respondent and Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140618


Autem Jones, Petitioner and Appellee, v . Timothy Keith Jones, Respondent and Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140618


Benjamin Arriaga, Petitioner and Appellant, v. State of Utah, Respondent and Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150911


Benjamin Arriaga, Petitioner and Appellant, v. State of Utah, Respondent and Appellee. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150911


Brooke Robinson, Petitioner and Appellant, v. Juan Pablo Matas-Vidal, Respondent and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150418


Brooke Robinson, Petitioner - Appellant, vs. Juan Pablo Matas-Vidal, Respondent - Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150418


Buffalo Wild Wings and Trumbull Insurance Company, Petitioners/ Appellant vs. Michael G. Torum and Utah Labor Commission, Respondents/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150413


Buffalo Wild Wings and Trumbull Insurance Company, Petitioners/ Appellant vs. Michael G. Torum and Utah Labor Commission, Respondents/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150413


Buffalo Wild Wings and Trumbull Insurance Company, Petitioners/ Appellant vs. Michael G. Torum and Utah Labor Commission, Respondents/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150413


CAMCO CONSTRUCTION, INC., a corporation, Plaintiff, v. UTAH BASEBALL ACADEMY, INC., a corporation; et al., Defendants. And other Related Causes of Action : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150932


CAMCO CONSTRUCTION, INC., a corporation, Plaintiff, v. UTAH BASEBALL ACADEMY, INC., a corporation; et al., Defendants. And other Related Causes of Action : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150932


CAMCO CONSTRUCTION, INC., a corporation, Plaintiff, v. UTAH BASEBALL ACADEMY, INC., a corporation; et al., Defendants. And other Related Causes of Action : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150932


CAMCO CONSTRUCTION, INC., a corporation, Plaintiff, v. UTAH BASEBALL ACADEMY, INC., a corporation; et al., Defendants. And other Related Causes of Action : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150932


CAMCO CONSTRUCTION, INC., a Utah corporation, ATHLETIC PERFORMANCE INSTITUTE, L.L.C., UTAH BASEBALL ACADEMY, INC., and ROBERT KEYES, Counterclaim Plaintiffs-Appellants, vs. UTAH BASEBALL ACADEMY, INC., a corporation, et al., KEYBANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION; SHARRON TROSZAK; DALE CONDER; and JOHN DOES 1-10, Counterclaim Defendants-Appellees. And other Related Causes of Action : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150932


Capri Sunshine, LLC vs. E & C Fox Investments, LLC : Petition for Rehearing, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140523


Cesar Daniel Lopez, Petitioner/ Appellant, vs. Ogden City, Defendants/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150271


Cesar Daniel Lopez, Petitioner/ Appellant, vs. Ogden City, Defendants/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150271


Charles C. Rehn, an Individual; And That Certain Real Property Located at 4118 Saddleback Road, Park City, Utah Plaintiffs/ Appellants/Crossappellees, v. Steves. Christensen, an Individual; Steves. Christensen, p.c., a Utah Professional Corporation; Henroid, Nielsen, & Christensen, a Utah General Partnership; Christensen, Corbett & Pankratz, PLLC, a Utah Professional Limited Liability Company; Hirschi Christensen,pLLC,a Utah Professional Limited Liability Company; And All Unknown Persons Who Claim Any Interest in the Subject Matter of the Action. Defendants/ Appellees/ Crossappellants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150119


Citizens for Responsible Charter Schools, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Corporation, Plaintiff/Appellant v. Martell Menlove in His Official Capacity as Superintendent of the Utah State Office of Education and State School Board; And Jenefer Youngfield, In, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140398


Clearfield City, Plaintiff/Appellee v S. Steven Maese, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150962


David and Rosemary Olsen; Dianne and William Newland; Rick Margolis, Plaintiffs/Appellants vs. Park City Municipal Corporation, a Municipal Corporation, and Valley of Love, LLC, Defendants/Appellees : Brief of Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141193


David and Rosemary Olsen; Dianne and William Newland; Rick Margolis, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. Park City Municipal Corporation, a Municipal Corporation; Valley of Love LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Defendants/Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141196


David and Rosemary Olsen; Dianne and William Newland; Rick Margolis, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. Park City Municipal Corporation, a Municipal Corporation; Valley of Love LLC Defendants/Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141193


David and Ruth M. Fuller and Fuller's Appliance Parts and Service, LLC, Appellants, vs. Denise Bohne and Western States Insurance Agency, Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150146


David K Gillett, an Individual, and Majestic Airlines Incorporated, a Utah Corporation, Plaintiffs/Appellants vs. Boyd J Brown, an Individual, Sentry Financial Corporation, a Utah Corporation, and Sfc Aircraft Corp I, a Utah Corporation, Defendants/Appell, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140682


David K Gillett, an Individual, and Majestic Airlines Incorporated, a Utah Corporation, Plaintiffs/Appellants vs. Boyd J Brown, an Individual, Sentry Financial Corporation, a Utah Corporation, and Sfc Aircraft Corp I, a Utah Corporation, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140682


d.d.b. (Mother), Petitioner - Appellant, vs. j.l.c. (Father), Respondent - Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150432


d.d.b. (Mother), Petitioner - Appellant, vs. j.l.c. (Father), Respondent - Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150432


d.d.b. (Mother), Petitioner - Appellant, vs. j.l.c. (Father), Respondent - Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150432


Dennis Cheek, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Clay Bullock Construction, Inc., Ad Utah Corporation; And Cly Bullock, an Individual, Defendants/Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150177


Dennis Cheek, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Clay Bullock Construction, Inc., Ad Utah Corporation; And Cly Bullock, an Individual, Defendants/Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 21050177


Deutsche Bank National Trust Company, Trustee for Ameriquest Mortgage Securities, Inc. Asset-Backed Pass-Through Certificiates Series 2004-R8 Appellee, v. William York, Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141083


Diane Viel Ty and Jacob Lopez, Plaintiffs and Appellants, v. Ut Ah State Retirement Board and Pljblic Employees' Group Ter.11 Life Progr..'\11, Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150746


Eagle Mountain City, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Parsons Kinghorn & Harris, a Professional Corporation, Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150915


ELDAD VERED, an individual, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. TOOELE HOSPITAL CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, doing business as MOUNTAIN WEST MEDICAL CENTER, EXECUTIVE MEDICAL COMMITTEE OF THE MEDICAL STAFF OF THE MOUNTAIN WEST MEDICAL CENTER, an organization, TRACY SCHAFFER, R.N., an individual, and YVONNE NIELSON, R.N., an individual, Defendants/Appellants. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150866


ELDAD VERED, M.D., an individual, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. TOOELE HOSPITAL CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, doing business as MOUNTAIN WEST MEDICAL CENTER, EXECUTIVE MEDICAL COMMITTEE OF THE MEDICAL STAFF OF THE MOUNTAIN WEST MEDICAL CENTER, an organization, TRACY SCHAFFER, R.N., an individual, and YVONNE NIELSON, R.N., an individual, Defendants/Appellants. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150866


ELDAD VERED, M.D., an individual, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. TOOELE HOSPITAL CORPORATION, a Utah corporation, doing business as MOUNTAIN WEST MEDICAL CENTER, EXECUTIVE MEDICAL COMMITTEE OF THE MEDICAL STAFF OF THE MOUNTAIN WEST MEDICAL CENTER, an organization, TRACY SCHAFFER, R.N., an individual, and YVONNE NIELSON, R.N., an individual, Defendants/Appellants. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150866


ELENA WATTS, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. BRENT CHRISTENSEN, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150994


ELENA WATTS, Pro Se Petitioner/Appellee, vs. BRENT CHRISTENSEN, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150994


Elizabeth Macfarlane, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Applebee's Restaurant, American Fork Applette LLC, John D. Prince, and John Does 1 Through 5, Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140991


Emmanuel Nuno, Petitioner - Appellant, vs. Kimberly Hart Lane and Brian J. Hart Respondents - Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150421


Far West Bank, a Division of America West Bank, Appellee/Plaintiff, vs. Mike L. Robertson, Appellant/Defendant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150513


Garth Gines Appellant/Plaintiff, v. Sean Edwards, Appellee/Defendant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150259


GEOFFREY S. RULE, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. RICHELLE RULE, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150633


GEOFFREY S. RULE, Petitioner/Appellee, -vs- RICHELLE RULE, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150633


GEOFFREY S. RULE, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. RICHELLE RULE, Respondent/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150633


Gloria Sherwin, Appellant, v. Utah State Retirement Board, Long-Term Disability Program, Appellee(s), Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140414


Hilary "Skip" 0. Wing, Dba, Re/Max Elite, Tim Shea, Dba Re/Max Elite, Aspenwood Real Estate Corp., Dba Re/Max Elite, Elite Legacy Corporation, Dba Re/Max Elite, Et Al., Appellees, Petitioners/Counterclaim Defendants/Third-Party Defendants, vs. Still St Anding Stable, l.c., Appellant, Respondent/Counterclaim Plaintiff., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130768


Hilary "Skip" 0. Wing, Dba Re/Max Elite, Tim Shea, Dba Re/Max Elite, Aspenwood Real Estate Corp., Oba Re/Max Elite, Elite Legacy Corporation, Dba Re/Max. Elite, Et. Al., Appellees, Petitioners/Col}nterclaim Defendants/Third-Party Defendants, v. Still Standing Stable, l.c., Appellant, Respondent/Counterclaim Plaintiff., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130768


Hilary "Skip" O. Wing, Dba Re/Max Elite, Tim Shea, Dba Re/Max Elite, Aspenwood Real Estate Corp., Dba Re/Max Elite, Elite Legacy Corporation, Dba Re/Max Elite, Et Al., Appellees, Petitioners/Counterclaim Defendants/Third-Party Defendants, vs. Still Standing Stable, l.c., Appellant, Respondent/Counterclaim Plaintiff., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130768


I, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150720


iDrive Logistics, LLC, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. IntegraCore, LLC, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150857


iDrive Logistics, LLC, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. IntegraCore, LLC, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150857


iDrive Logistics, LLC, Plaintiff/Appellee, vs. IntegraCore, LLC, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150857


In Regard to Darrell Wayne Morris, Witness/Appellant. State of Utah, Plaintiff, v. Danny Leroy Logue, Defendant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150187


In Regard to Darrell Wayne Morris, Witness/Appellant. State of Utah, Plaintiff, v. Danny Leroy Logue, Defendant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150187


Integrita, LLC, Wendy Harrison & Design-Build Solutions, LLC Appellants, vs. Utah Labor Commission & Scott Moulton, Respondents, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150110


Jack Daniel Brown, Appellant/Petitioner vs. State of Utah, Appellee/Respondent, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150266


Jack Daniel Brown, Petitioner/Appellant v. State of Utah, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150266


Jack Phillips, Petitioner v. Utah Department of Commerce, and Utah Securities Commission, Respondents, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150534


Jacob D. Williams, an Individual, Plaintiff/Appellant v. Craig Alan Anderson, an Individual, and Anderson Zite, LLC, F/K/a Fix a Phone, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Defendants and Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150886


JACQUELINE E. CHRISTENSEN, Petitioner and Appellee, v. JOHN D. CHRISTENSEN, Respondent and Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151084


JACQUELINE E. CHRISTENSEN, Petitioner and Appellee, v. JOHN D. CHRISTENSEN, Respondent and Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151084


JACQUELINE E. CHRISTENSEN, Petitioner/Appellee, vs. JOHN D. CHRISTENSEN, Respondent/Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151084


James Robert Rawcliffe, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Robert Anciaux. Et Al., Defendants and Appelles, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150852


James Robert Rawcliffe, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Robert Anciaux. Et Al., Defendants and Appelles, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150852


James Robert Rawcliffe, Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Robert Anciaux. Et Al., Defendants and Appelles, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150852


Jennifer L. Mota, v. Lawrence Mota, Ii, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150191


Jesse Rodney Dansie, an Individual v. Public Service Commission of Utah and Hi-Country Estates Homeowners Association, a Domestic Non-Profit Corporation : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140653


Joseph Tomlinson, an Individual, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Doug Knight Construction, Et Al., Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150529


Joseph Tomlinson, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Doug Knight Construction, Inc., Defendant/Appellee/Cross-Appellant Doug Knight Construction, Inc., Defendant/Appellee/Cross-Appellant, v. Superior Insulation Co., Inc., Picture Perfect Stone Masonry; And Akita Construction, Inc., Third Party Defendants/Cross-Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150529


Joseph Tomlinson, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. Doug Knight Construction, Inc., Defendant/Appellee Doug Knight Construction, Inc., Picture Perfect Stone Masonry; And Akita Construction, Inc., Cross-Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150529