Utah Court of Appeals Briefs (2007– 2019) | Brigham Young University Law School


Submissions from 2015


Joseph Tomlinson, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Douglas Knight Construction, Inc. Defendant/Appelle/Cross-Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150529


Joseph Tomlinson, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Douglas Knight Construction, Inc., Defendant/Appellee/Cross-Appellant Douglas Knight Construction, Inc. Third-Party Plaintiff/Cross-Appellant, vs. Superior Insulation, Co.; Picture Perfect Stone Masonry; And Akita Construction, Inc. Third-Party Defendants/Cross-Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150529


Joseph Tomlinson, Plaintiff/Appellant, vs. Douglas Knight Construction, Inc., Defendant/Appellee/Cross-Appellant Douglas Knight Construction, Inc. Third-Party Plaintiff/Cross-Appellant, vs. Superior Insulation, Co.; Picture Perfect Stone Masonry; And Akita Construction, Inc., Third-Party Defendants/Cross-Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150529


KARA CATTANI, as Trustee of the OATES FAMILY TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. LYLE DRAKE, an individual; DURHAM JONES & PINEGAR, PC., a Utah professional corporation; DANIEL MAYNARD, an individual; and MAYNARD CRONIN ERICKSON CURRAN & SPARKS, P.L.C., Defendants/Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150673


KARA CATTANI, as Trustee of the OATES FAMILY TRUST, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. LYLE DRAKE, an individual; DURHAM JONES & PINEGAR, PC., a Utah professional corporation; DANIEL MAYNARD, an individual; and MAYNARD CRONIN ERICKSON CURRAN & SPARKS, P.L.C., Defendants/Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150673


KARA CATTANI, as Trustee of the Oates Family Trust, Plaintiff/Appellant, v. LYLE DRAKE; DURHAM, JONES, & PINEGAR, P.C., a Utah professional corporation; DANIEL MAYNARD; and MAYNARD CRONIN ERICKSON CURRAN & SPARKS, P.L.C. Defendants/Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150673


Karina Barba, Petitioner/Appellee v. Eric Vasquez, Respondent/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150687


Karine Reller (Nka Karine Feldman) v Francis J. Argenziano : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140736


Kenneth L. Gray Petitioner, v Workforce Appeals Board of the Utah Department of Workforce Services, and State of Utah, Respondents., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150420


Kenneth L. Gray Petitioner, v. Workforce Appeals Board of the Utah Department of Workforce Services and State of Utah, Respondents., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150420


Kenneth L. Gray v. Department of Workforce Services, Workforce Appeals Board and State of Utah : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150420


Kenneth L. Gray v. Workforce Appeals Board of the Utah Department of Workforce Services, and State of Utah, Respondents., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150420


Kevin a.unck Appellant vs. Workforce Appeals Board, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150043


Kevin a.unck Appellant vs. Workforce Appeals Board, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150043


Kevin A. Unck, Petitioner, v. Workforce Appeals Board, Utah Department of Workforce Services, Respondent., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150043


KYLE R. HALL and HEATHER M. HALL, Appellees, v. DAVID L. PETERSON as Trustee of the DAVID L. PETERSON TRUST Dated March 2, 2006, Appellant : Appellant Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150459


KYLE R. HALL and HEATHER M. HALL, Appellees, v. DAVID L. PETERSON as Trustee of the DAVID L. PETERSON TRUST Dated March 2, 2006, Appellant : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150459


LAVON G. COX, Petitioner/Appellant, v. UTAH LABOR COMMISSION, ST. GEORGE TRUSS CO. AND WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND Respondents/Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150788


LAVON G. COX, Petitioner/Appellant, v. UTAH LABOR COMMISSION, ST. GEORGE TRUSS CO., AND WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND, Respondents/Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150788


LAVON G. COX Petitioner, v. LABOR COMMISSION OF UTAH; ST. GEORGE TRUSS CO.; and WORKERS COMPENSATION FUND, Respondents., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150788


Lena McTee and Eric McTee vs. The Weber Center Condominium Association, the Municipal Building Authority of Weber County, Woodbury Corporation, Land of Og, LLC, Weber County and Does I-X : Answer Brief of Appellee Lena McTee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150327


Leslie D. Mower, A11. Individual; Ld . i.il, i.lc, a Utah Limited Liability Company; Ld Ranch, LLC, N Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiffs/ Appellants, vs. David R. Shv1pson, an Individual; Landmark Real Estate, Inc., a Utah Corporation; Wood Springs, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company; Pheasant Meadows, LLC, a Utah Lirnited Liability Company; Krjstin 1\1ackey, an Individual; Dean Mackey, an Individual; And Does 1- 10, Defendants/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150549


Lisa Penunuri and Barry Siegwart, Plaintiffs/ Appellants, vs. Sundance Partners, Ltd; Sundance Holdings, LLC; Sundance Develop11ent Corp; Robertredford;redford 1970 Trust; Rock Mountain Outfitters, l.c.; And Does I-X. Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 201470854


Lisa Penunuri and Barry Siegwart, Plaintiffs/ Appellants, vs. Sundance Partners, Ltd; Sundance Holdings, LLC; Sundance Develop11ent Corp; Robertredford;redford 1970 Trust; Rock Mountain Outfitters, l.c.; And Does I-X. Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140854


Lori Ramsay and Dan Smalling, Appellants, vs. Utah State Retirment Board, and Kane County Human Resource Special Service District, Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150574


Maa Prospector Motor Lodge, LLC, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Ray W. Palmer, Et Al., Defendant and Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151010


Maa Prospector Motor Lodge, LLC, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Ray W. Palmer, Et Al., Defendant and Appellant., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151010


MATTHEW S. WILLES, Petitioner and Appellant, v. TAMMY DAHL, fka Willes, Respondent and Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20151079


MICHAEL E. BAKER and KATHLEEN M. PAPI-BAKER, trustees under the MICHAEL AND KATHLEEN BAKER FAMILY LIVING TRUST DATED MARCH 25, 2005, Plaintiffs/Appellants, v. PARK CITY MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, a Utah municipal corporation, Defendant/Appellee. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150956


MICHAEL E. BAKER and KATHLEEN M. PAPI-BAKER, TRUSTEES, UNDER THE MICHAEL AND KATHLEEN BAKER FAMILY LIVING TRUST, DATED MARCH 25, 2005, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. PARK CITY MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, a Utah municipal corporation Defendants/Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150956


MICHAEL E. BAKER and KATHLEEN M. PAPI-BAKER, TRUSTEES, UNDER THE MICHAEL AND KATHLEEN BAKER FAMILY LIVING TRUST, DATED MARCH 25, 2005, Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. PARK CITY MUNICIPAL CORPORATION, a Utah municipal corporation Defendants/Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150956


Michael J. Van Leeuwen, Plaintiff and Appellant, vs. Bank of America, N. A., Et Al. Defendants and Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150610


Michael Smith v. Hon. Elizabeth Hruby-Mills, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150198


Monica Judd Appellee and Plaintiff , vs . Eric Irvine Appellant and Defendant ., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150134


Nani Nau Plaintiff/Appellant v. Safeco Insurance Company of Illinois, a Washington Corporation. Defendant/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140427


New York Ave., LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff and Appellee, and Cross-Appellant, v. David D. Harrison, and Individual, and Jan C. Harrison, and Individual, Defendants and Appellant : Brief of Appellee and Cross-Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140719


New York Ave., LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff and Appellee, and Cross-Appellant, v. David D. Harrison, and Individual, and Jan C. Harrison, and Individual, Defendants and Appellant : Reply Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140719


New York Ave., LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff and Appellee, and Cross-Appellant, v. David D. Harrison, and Individual, and Jan C. Harrison, and Individual, Defendants and Appellants, and Cross-Appellees : Brief of Appellant and Cross-Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140719


New York Ave., LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff, v. David D. Harrison, and Individual, and Jan C. Harrison, and Individual, Defendants : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140719


Pacificorp, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Paul F. Cardon, Defendant and Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141103


Pacificorp, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Paul F. Cardon, Defendant and Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141103


Pacificorp, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. Paul F. Cardon, Defendant and Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141103


PATRICIA BECKMAN, an individual, Plaintiff, Counterclaim Defendant, and Appellant vs. CYBERTARY FRANCHISING, INC.; FRANCHISE FOUNDRY, LLC; and CHRISTIAN FAULCONER, an individual, Defendants, Counterclaimant (as to Cybertary), and Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150295


PATRICIA BECKMAN Plaintiff-Appellant, vs. CYBERTARY FRANCHISING, LLC, FRANCHISE FOUNDRY, LLC, and CHRISTIAN FAULCONER, Defendants-Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150295


PATRICIA BECKMAN Plaintiff-Appellant, vs. CYBERTARY FRANCHISING, LLC, FRANCHISE FOUNDRY, LLC, and CHRISTIAN FAULCONER, Defendants-Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150295


PAUL TIMOTHY and JANICE TIMOTHY, Plaintiff/Appellant vs. PIA ANDERSON DORIUS REYNARD & MOSS, LLC, a Utah limited liability company; and BRENNAN MOSS, an individual, Defendant/Appellee : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150051


PAUL TIMOTHY and JANICE TIMOTHY, Plaintiff/Appellant vs. PIA ANDERSON DORIUS REYNARD & MOSS, LLC, a Utah limited liability company; and BRENNAN MOSS, an individual, Defendant/Appellee : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150051


PAUL TIMOTHY, an individual, AND JANICE TIMOTHY, an individual Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. PIA ANDERSON DORIUS REYNARD & MOSS, LLC, a Utah limited liability company; and BRENNAN MOSS, an individual Defendants/Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150051


PAUL TIMOTHY, an individual, AND JANICE TIMOTHY, an individual Plaintiffs/Appellants, vs. PIA ANDERSON DORIUS REYNARD & MOSS, LLC, a Utah limited liability company; and BRENNAN MOSS, an individual Defendants/Appellees. : Legal Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150051


Penn Smith, Plaintiff/ Appellee, vs. V Alden Cram, as Executive-Trustee Under the Declaration of Trust Dated 11/26/93 , Operating Under the Name of the Terrestrial Kingdom of God Defendant/ Appellee ., Utah court of appeals; Docket Number: 20150637


Red Bridge Capital, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff and Appellee, vs. Don Lagos, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Mellon Valley, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, and Roland N. Walker, an Individual, and Sally Walker, an Individual, Defendants and Appellants : Addendum, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141123


Red Bridge Capital, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff and Appellee, vs. Don Lagos, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Mellon Valley, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, and Roland N. Walker, an Individual, and Sally Walker, an Individual, Defendants and Appellants : Appellant's Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141123


Red Bridge Capital, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff and Appellee, vs. Don Lagos, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Mellon Valley, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, and Roland N. Walker, an Individual, and Sally Walker, an Individual, Defendants and Appellants : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141123


Red Bridge Capital, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Plaintiff and Appellee, vs. Don Lagos, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, Mellon Valley, LLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, and Roland N. Walker, an Individual, and Sally Walker, an Individual, Defendants and Appellants : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141123


Reed Brasher, an Individual, Appellant, v. Vicki Christensen, an Individual, Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141183


Reed Brasher, an Individual, Appellant, v. Vicki Christensen, an Individual, Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141183


Reed Brasher, an Individual, Appellant, v. Vicki Christensen, an Individual, Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141183


Reggie Lewis vs Rodney Nelson : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141086


Reginald Williams, Paintiff--Appellant v. Utah Dept. Of Corrections, Respondent--Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140623


Reginald Williams, Petitioner/ Appellant, v. Utah Department of Corrections, Matthew B. Anderson, Alfred C. Bigelow, Wayne A. Freestone, Paul Gardner, Steven Turley, and Larry Bussio, Respondents/ Appellees, and David J. Angerhoffer, Respondent., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140623


Remax Elite Dba, Hilary "Skip" Wing, Aspenwood Real Estate Corporation, Elite Legacy Corporation, Plaintiffs/ Appellees v. Still Standing St Ables, LLC, Charles "Chuck" Schvaneveldt, and Cathy Code, Defendants/ Appellants., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130746


Remax Elite Dba, Hilary "Skip" Wing, Aspenwood Real Estate Corporation, Elite Legacy Corporation, Plaintiffs v. Still St Anding St Ables, LLC, Charles "Chuck" Schv Aneveldt, and Cathy Code, Defendants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130746


Remax Elite Dba, Hilary "Skip" Wing, Aspenwood Realestate Corporation, Plaintiffs v. Still Standing Stable, Lc, Charles "Chuck" Schvaneveldt, and Cathy Code, Defendants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140978


Remax Elite Dba, Hilary "Skip" Wing, Aspenwood Realestate Corporation, Plaintiffs v. Still Standing Stable, Lc, Charles "Chuck" Schvaneveldt, and Cathy Code, Defendants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140978


Reperex, Inc., a Utah Corporation, Brad Ball, and David Ball, Plaintiffs-Appellants v. Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw PLLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, J. Russton Bradshaw, Coldwll Banker Commercial, and Duane Bush, Defendants-Appellees : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150246


Reperex, Inc., a Utah Corporation, Brad Ball, and David Ball, Plaintiffs-Appellants v. Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw PLLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, J. Russton Bradshaw, Coldwll Banker Commercial, and Duane Bush, Defendants-Appellees : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150246


Reperex, Inc., a Utah Corporation, Brad Ball, and David Ball, Plaintiffs-Appellants v. Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw PLLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, J. Russton Bradshaw, Coldwll Banker Commercial, and Duane Bush, Defendants-Appellees : Brief of Appellees Coldwell Banker Commercial and Duane Bush, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150246


Reperex, Inc., a Utah Corporation, Brad Ball, and David Ball, Plaintiffs-Appellants v. Child, Van Wagoner & Bradshaw PLLC, a Utah Limited Liability Company, J. Russton Bradshaw, Coldwll Banker Commercial, and Duane Bush, Defendants-Appellees : Reply Brief of Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150246


Richard Brian Collum v. State of Utah : Reply Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140760


RICHARD SPECHT, Appellant, vs. THE TOWN OF BIG WATER, a Utah municipal corporation; PAUL AND DEBBIE HYDE, individuals. Appellees. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150775


RICHARD SPECHT, Appellant, vs. THE TOWN OF BIG WATER, a Utah municipal corporation; PAUL AND DEBBIE HYDE, individuals. Appellees. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150775


RICHARD SPECHT, Appellant, v. THE TOWN OF BIG WATER, a Utah municipal corporation; PAUL AND DEBBIE HYDE, individuals, Appellees. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150775


Rjw M Edia, Inc., Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Chock H Eath and Timbers Investments I, LLC Defendant and a Ppellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141082


Rjw Media, Inc., Plaintiff and Appellant, v. Chuck Heath and Timbers Investments I, LLC, Defendants and Appellees., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141082


ROBBEN ANN OLDROYD, Petitioner/Appellant, v. FARRELL LYNN OLDROYD, Respondent/Appellee. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150451


ROBBEN ANN OLDROYD, Petitioner/Appellant, v. FARRELL LYNN OLDROYD, Respondent/Appellee. : Reply Brief of Appellant and Brief of Cross Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150451


ROBBEN A. OLDROYD, Petitioner/Appellant, vs. FARRELL L. OLDROYD, Respondent/Appellee. : Brief of Appelle and Cross-Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150451


ROBBEN A. OLDROYD, Petitioner/Appellant, vs. FARRELL L. OLDROYD, Respondent/Appellee. : Reply Brief of Appellee and Cross-Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150451


Rocky Mountain Builders Supply, Inc. D/B/a Ck Builders, Plaintiff-Appellant, vs. Steve Marks, an Individual, Def Endant-Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150456


Rocky Mountain Builders Supply, Inc., Dba Ck Builders Plaintiff/ Appellant, v. Steve Marks, Defendant/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150456


Rocky Mountain Builders Supply, Inc., Dba Ck Builders Plaintiff/ Appellant, v. Steve Marks, Defendant/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150456


Roger Bryner, Petitioner/Appellee/Cross-Appellant, v. Utah Department of Public Safety, Driver Liscense Division, Respondent/Appellant/Cross-Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150564


Ruth B. Hardy Revocable Trust; Delcon Corporation Profit Sharing Plan Fbo A. Wesley Hardy; Finesse p.s.p.; Mjs Real Properties LLC; Uintah Investments, LLC; David D. Smith; Steven Condie; David L. Johnson; Berrett Psp; Vw Professional Homes Psp; Ty Thomas; And d.r.p. Management Psp, Plaintiffs and Appellants, vs. Mark Lee, Trustee of the Rindlesbach Construction Inc. Profit Sharing Plan and Mark Lee Rindlesbach, Individually; Defendants and Appellees :Reply Brief of Appellants, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20130390


SALT LAKE CITY, Plaintiff and Appellee, v. RAFAEL REYES-GUTIERREZ, Defendant and Appellant. : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150755


Salt Lake City, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Joseph Howe, Defendant/Appellan : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141013


Salt Lake City, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Joseph Howe, Defendant/Appellant : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141013


SALT LAKE CITY, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. RAFAEL REYES-GUTIERREZ, Defendant/Appellant. : Brief of Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150755


SALT LAKE CITY, Plaintiff/Appellee v. RAFAEL REYES-GUTIERREZ, Defendant/Appellant. : Reply Brief, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150755


Salt Lake City, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Samuel Lorin Jenkins, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141058


Salt Lake City, Plaintiff/Appellee, v. Samuel Lorin Jenkins, Defendant/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20141058


Sean Kendall, Plaintiff/Appellant, v Brett Olsen, Lt. Brian Purvis, Joseph Allen Everett, Tom Edmundson, George S. Pregman and Salt Lake City Corporation, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150927


Sean Kendall, Plaintiff/Appellant, v Brett Olsen, Lt. Brian Purvis, Joseph Allen Everett, Tom Edmundson, George S. Pregman and Salt Lake City Corporation, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150927


Sean Kendall, Plaintiff/Appellant, v Brett Olsen, Lt. Brian Purvis, Joseph Allen Everett, Tom Edmundson, George S. Pregman and Salt Lake City Corporation, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150927


Sean Kendall, Plaintiff/Appellant, v Brett Olsen, Lt. Brian Purvis, Joseph Allen Everett, Tom Edmundson, George S. Pregman and Salt Lake City Corporation, Defendants/Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150927


Sharon Smith Petitioner/Appellee v. Keith Smith Respondent/Appellant, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150354


Shauna Badger, and Individual v. Dustin Macgillivray, and Individual : Brief of Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150065


Shayne Todd, Petitioner/Appellant, vs. Dennis Sorensen, Respondent/Appellee, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140593


Sheila G. Winkler, Appellant v. Workforce Appeals Board of the Utah Department of Workforce Services, and Salt Lake City Corp., Appellees, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150342


Sheila G Winkler, Petitioner, v. Workforce Appeals Board, Utah Department of Workforce Services, and Salt Lake City Corp., Respondents, Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20150342


Sherman Alexander Lynch, Petitioner/Appellant, v. State of Utah, Respondent/ Appellee., Utah Court of Appeals; Docket Number: 20140402