Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal
Volume 2006, Number 2 (2006)
Everything I Wanted To Know About Teaching Law School I Learned From Being a Kindergarten Teacher: Ethics in the Law School Classroom
Debra Moss Curtis
Learning Like Lawyers: Addressing the Differences in Law Student Learning Styles
Eric A. DeGroff and Kathleen A. Mckee
Charter School Accountability: Legal Considerations Concerning Nonrenewal and Revocation Procedures
Suzanne E. Eckes, Jonathan A. Plucker, and Sarah A. Benton
Dean v. Utica Community Schools: An Arrow Through the Heart of School Administrative Control Over Student Expression in School Newspapers
Charles B. Upton II
Regular Education Teachers Formulating Special education Plans: M.L. v. Federal Way School District and the IDEA
Christine Farnsworth
No Educator Left Unscathed: How No Child Left Behind Threatens Educators' Careers
Timothy P. Crisafulli
BYU Education and Law Journal
Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Julio Carranza
- Executive Editor
- Ronald A. Burchett
- Managing Editor
- Taralyn A. Jones
- Publications Editors
- Kristin Evans
Barbara Young - Managing Solicitations Editor
- Lisa Johston Nicholes
Gregory Hunt - Note & Comment Editor
- David Christenson
- Solicitations Editors
- Autumn Beardsley
Jason Knapp - Lead Articles Editors
Christine Farnsworth
Charlotte Johnson
Elizabeth Parker
- Street Law Coordinator
- Marin Turley Bradshaw
- Senior Editors
Kassie Campbell
Laura Cantera
Rachel Dallin
Kevin Fiet
Dorothy S. Gillespie
Paul Holdaway
Elizaneth Lisonbee
Jason Redd
Karl Rees - Associate Editors
Joshua Baron
James Bennin
Evie Brinkerhoff
Summer Casillas
Heidi Chewning
Melissa Chlarson
Erin Curtis
Cheryl Diaz
Diana Erb
Megan Garrett
Genevieve Gribble
Michele Head
Nancy Kennedy
Emily Leavitt
Jang Lee
Jason Nelson
Andrea Pace
Cristie Roach
Paul Shakespear
Edward Stock
Ann Tolley
Brody Valerga
Jason Yancey - Faculty Advisor
- Scott E. Ferrin
- Dean Advisor
- James Rasband