Brigham Young University Education and Law Journal
Volume 2012, Number 2 (2012)
The Taxman on Campus: How Aggressive IRS Initiatives are Increasing Audit and Compliance Risk for Colleges and Universities
William A. Bailey
Teacher Effectiveness and Value-Added Modeling: Building a Pathway to Educational Malpractice?
Todd A. DeMitchell, Terri A. DeMitchell, and Douglas Gagnon
Diminished Rights of Parents to Seek Reimbursement Under the IDEA for Unilateral Placement of Their Children in Private Schools
Ralph D. Mawdsley
Can Students be Disciplined for Off-campus Cyberspeech?: The Reach of the First Amendment in the Age of Technology
Allan G. Osborne Jr. and Charles J. Russo
Drawing the Lines: Pushing Past Arlington Heights and Parents Involved in School Attendance Zone Cases
Rebecca M. Abel
BYU Education and Law Journal
Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Jessica Tyler
- Executive Editor
- Graham Robinson
- Managing Editor – Publication
- Sandra Mazan
- Publications Editor
- Julie Black
- Managing Editor – Administration
- Greg Jeffs
- Note & Comment Editors
- Mary Ditto
Nate White - Lead Articles Editors
Lornalei Meredith
Adam Monteith - Submissions Editors
Keith Barlow
Nicholas Dudoich - Senior Editors
Hyrum Hemingway
Kristin McLintock
Mary Nelson
Katelyn Trottier - Associate Editors
Jon Beer
Garrett Beeston
Justin Caplin
Dallas Dean
Jon Hogelin
Savanah Lawrence
Ian MacCallum
Michelle McPherson
Krystal Peterson
Tom Stone
Garret Story
Camille Wight - Faculty Advisor
- Scott E. Ferrin