Submissions from 2007
The Bluebook at Eighteen: Reflecting and Ratifying Current Trends in Legal Scholarship, A. Christine Hurt (Article)
Post-Conflict Reconstruction, Eric Talbot Jensen (Symposium)
The ICJ'S Uganda Wall: A Barrier to the Principle of Distinction and an Entry Point for Lawfare, Eric Talbot Jensen (Article)
Accommodating Concerns for International Law and Proper Governance, David H. Moore (Proceeding)
Setting the Record Straight: Sosa v. Alvarez-Machain and the Debate Over Customary International Law, David H. Moore (Chapter)
A New Era in Public Land Policy?: The Shift Toward Reacquisition of Land and Natural Resources, James R. Rasband and Megan E. Garrett (Article)
Entrepreneurs on Horseback: Reflections on the organization of law, D. Gordon Smith and Darian Ibrahim (Article)
Contracts as Organizations, D. Smith and Brayden King (Article)
The Attack on Marriage As the Union of a Man and a Woman, Lynn D. Wardle (Article)
The Biological Causes and Consequences of Homosexual Behavior and Their Relevance for Family Law and Policies, Lynn D. Wardle (Article)
The Fall of Marital Stability and the Rise of Juvenile Delinquency, Lynn D. Wardle (Article)
Submissions from 2006
Eminent Domain and the Sanctity of Home, John Fee (Article)
Reforming Eminent Domain, John Fee (Chapter)
Replacing the Federal Income Tax with a Postpaid Consumption Tax: Preliminary Thoughts Regarding a Government Matching Program for Wealthy Investors and a New Tax Policy Lens, J. Clifton Fleming Jr. (Article)
Framing the Debate Over Worldwide Versus Territorial Taxation, J. Clifton Fleming Jr. and Robert J. Peroni (Article)
Worldwide Taxation vs. Territorial Taxation: Framing the Debate, J. Clifton Fleming Jr. and Robert J. Peroni (Article)
Religions, Fragmentations, and Doctrinal Limits, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
Religious Exemptions, Formal Neutrality, and Laïcité, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
"The Irresistible Force Meets the Immovable Object": When Antidiscrimination Standards and Religious Belief Collide in ABA-Accredited Law Schools, Kristin B. Gerdy (Article)
Regulating Public Morals and Private Markets: Online Securities Trading, Internet Gambling and the Speculation Paradox, A. Christine Hurt (Article)
What Google Can't Teach Us About IPO Auctions (and What It Can), A. Christine Hurt (Symposium)
Blogging While Untenured and Other Extreme Sports, A. Christine Hurt and Tung Yin (Article)
Incentivizing and Protecting Informants Prior to Mass Atrocities Such as Genocide: An Alternative to Post Hoc Courts and Tribunals, Eric Talbot Jensen (Article)
An Emerging Uniformity for International Law, David H. Moore (Article)
The Antiquities Act Monuments: The Elgin Marbles of Our Public Lands?, James R. Rasband (Conference)
Natural Resources Law and Policy. Teacher's Manual, James Rasband, James Salzman, and Mark Squillace (Book)
Bit by Bit: A case study of bloggership, D. Gordon Smith (Article)
The "Branding Effect" of Contracts, D. Gordon Smith (Conference)
Law & Entrepreneurship: Do courts matter?, D. Gordon Smith and Masako Ueda (Symposium)
Atomism and the Private Merger Challenge, Paul Stancil (Article)
Federal Constitutional Protection for Marriage: Why and How, Lynn D. Wardle (Article)
Submissions from 2005
Defining "Religion", W. Cole Durham Jr. and Elizabeth Clark (Chapter)
Speech Discrimination, John Fee (Article)
The Formal State Action Doctrine and Free Speech Analysis, John Fee (Article)
Exploring the Contours of a Proposed U.S. Exemption (Territorial) Tax System, J. Clifton Fleming Jr. and Robert J. Peroni (Article)
Spirituality, Fundamentalism, Liberty: Religion at the End of Modernity, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
Suitability Claims and Unrecommended Securities Purchases: An Agency Theory of Broker-Dealer Liability, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
The Permissible Scope of Legal Limitations on the Freedom of Religion or Belief in the United States, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
Religious Experience in the Age of Digital Reproduction, Frederick Mark Gedicks and Roger Hendrix (Article)
Expanding Our Classroom Walls: Enhancing Teaching and Learning Through Technology, Kristin B. Gerdy, Jane H. Wise, and Alison Craig (Article)
Moral Hazard and the Initial Public Offering, A. Christine Hurt (Article)
Combatant Status: It Is Time for Intermediate Levels of Recognition for Partial Compliance, Eric Talbot Jensen (Article)
The International Law of Environmental Warfare: Active and Passive Damage during Armed Conflict, Eric Talbot Jensen (Article)
Questioning the Rule of Capture Metaphor for Nineteenth Century Public Land Law: A Look at R.S. 2477, James R. Rasband (Article)
Religious Monopolies and the Commodification of Religion, Brett Scharffs, Shima Baradaran, and Elizabeth Sewell (Clark) (Article)
Religious Monopolies and the Commodification of Religion, Brett G. Scharffs, Shima Baradaran-Robison, and Elizabeth A. Sewell (Article)
An Analytic Framework for Understanding and Evaluating the Fiduciary Duties of Educators, Brett G. Scharffs and John W. Welch (Article)
The Exit Structure of Strategic Alliances, D. Gordon Smith (Symposium)
The Exit Structure of Venture Capital, D. Gordon Smith (Symposium)
Eagle Feathers and Equality: Lessons on Religious Exceptions from the Native American Experience, Kevin J. Worthen (Article)
Submissions from 2004
A Comparative Analysis of Religious Association Laws in Post-Communist Europe, W. Cole Durham Jr., Elizabeth Clark, and Natalie Peterson (Chapter)
Eviscerating the Foreign Tax Credit Limitations and Cutting the Repatriation Tax - What's ETI Repeal Got to Do with It?, J. Clifton Fleming Jr. and Robert J. Peroni (Article)
Reconstructing the Blaine Amendments, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
The Establishment Clause Gag Reflex, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Conference Proceeding)
Law Student Plagiarism: Why It Happens, Where It's Found, and How to Find It, Kristin Gerdy (Symposium Article)
Important” and “Irreversible” but Maybe Not “Unreviewable”: The Dilemma of Protecting Defendants’ Rights Through the Collateral Order Doctrine, Kristin B. Gerdy (Article)
Prosecuting Members of the U.S. Military for Wartime Environmental Crimes, Eric Talbot Jensen and James J. Teixeira Jr. (Article)
Facilitating Freedom of Religion or Belief: A Deskbook, Tore Lindholm, W. Cole Durham Jr., Bahia Tahzib-Lie, Elizabeth Clark, and Lena Larsen (Book)
Agency Costs in International Human Rights, David H. Moore (Article)
Experience, Contractual Covenants and Venture Capitalists' Responses to Unmet Expectations, Annaleena Parhankangas, Hans Landström, and D. Gordon Smith (Conference)
Are Sand and Gravel Really "Valuable Minerals"?, James R. Rasband (Article)
Buying Back the West, James R. Rasband (Article)
When Can Courts Compel Federal Agencies to Act to Protect the Public Lands?, James R. Rasband (Article)
NATURAL RESOURCES LAW AND POLICY, James Rasband, James Salzman, and Mark Squillace (Book)
The Autonomy of Church and State, Brett G. Scharffs (Article)
The Character of Legal Reasoning, Brett G. Scharffs (Article)
Independent Legal Significance, Good Faith, and the Interpretation of Venture Capital Contracts, D. Gordon Smith (Symposium)
Still Crazy After All These Years: Understanding the Robinson-Patman Act Today, Paul Stancil (Article)
Discipline: An Academic Dean's Perspective on Dealing with Plagiarism, Kevin J. Worthen (Symposium Article)
Submissions from 2003
The Virginia Founders and the Birth of Religious Liberty, W. Cole Durham Jr. and Elizabeth Clark (Chapter)
The Takings Clause as a Comparative Right, John Fee (Article)
Law and Religion in Post-Communist Europe, Silvio Ferrari, W. Cole Durham Jr., and Elizabeth Clark (Book)
American Offshore Business Tax Planning: Can Australian Lawyers Get a Piece of the Action?, J Clifton Fleming, Jr. (Article)
American Offshore Business Tax Planning: Can Australian Lawyers Get a Piece of the Action?, J. Clifton Fleming Jr. (Article)
Restorative Justice and the Two-Track Establishment Clause, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
The "Embarrassing" Section 134, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
Continuing Development: A Snapshot of Legal Research and Writing Programs through the Lens of the 2002 LWI and ALWD Survey, Kristin B. Gerdy (Article)
Counselor, Gatekeeper, Shareholder, Thief: Why Attorneys Who Invest in Their Clients in a Post-Enron World Are "Selling Out," Not "Buying In,", A. Christine Hurt (Article)
Unexpected Consequences From Knock-On Effects: A Different Standard for Computer Network Operations?, Eric Talbot Jensen (Article)
A Signaling Theory of Human Rights Compliance, David H. Moore (Essay)
Priority, Probability, and Proximate Cause: Lessons from Tort Law About Imposing ESA Responsibility for Wildlife Harm on Water Users and Other Joint Habitat Modifiers, James R. Rasband (Article)
The Curious Case of the Missing Legal Analysis, Lynn D. Wardle (Symposium Article)
Who Decides and What Difference Does It Make?: Defining Marriage in "Our Democratic, Federal Republic", Kevin J. Worthen (Symposium Article)
Submissions from 2002
Main Street Plaza: An Opportunity to Rebuild, John Fee (Article)
Tahoe-Sierra and the Denominator Issue, John Fee (Chapter)
Federal Regulation of Wetlands in Aftermath of Supreme Court Decision in SWANCC v. United States, Gary E. Freeman and James R. Rasband (Article)
A Two-Track Theory of the Establishment Clause, Frederick Mark Gedicks (Article)
Teacher, Coach, Cheerleader, and Judge: Promoting Learning through Learner-Centered Assessment, Kristin B. Gerdy (Article)
Erasing Lines: Let the LRW Professor without Lines Throw the First Eraser, A. Christine Hurt (Comment)
Network Effects and Legal Citation: How Antitrust Theory Predicts Who Will Build a Better Bluebook Mousetrap in the Age of Electronic Mice, A. Christine Hurt (Article)
Computer Attacks on Critical National Infrastructure: A Use of Force Invoking the Right of Self-Defense, Eric Talbot Jensen (Article)
Singular and Plural Address in the Scriptures, James R. Rasband (Article)
Starting a Law School Youth Mentoring Program, Brett G. Scharffs (Article)
The Critical Resource Theory of Fiduciary Duty, D. Gordon Smith (Article)
Counting the Costs of Civil Unions: Some Potential Detrimental Effects on Family Law, Lynn D. Wardle (Article)
Submissions from 2001
Pen or Printer: Can Students Afford to Handwrite Their Exams?, Kif Augustine-Adams, Suzanne B. Hendrix, and James R. Rasband (Article)
Of Parcels and Property, John Fee (Chapter)
The United States Should Tax U.S. Corporations on Their Worldwide Income, J. Clifton Fleming Jr., Robert J. Peroni, and Stephen E. Shay (Article)
The Future of the Antiquities Act, James R. Rasband (Article)
The Rise of Urban Archipelagoes in the American West: A New Reservation Policy?, James R. Rasband (Article)