Brigham Young University Journal of Public Law
Volume 24 (2009-2010), Issue 2
Contracts, Custom, and the Common Law: Towards a Renewed Prominence for Contract Law in American Wrongful Discharge Jurisprudence
Timothy J. Coley
In Defense of the Post-Partisan President: Toward the Boundary Between "Partisan" Advantage and "Political" Choice
David C. Weiss
Safford Unified School District #1 v. Redding: Why Qualified Immunity Is a poor Fit in Fourth Amendment School Search Cases
Eric W. Clarke
BYU Journal of Public Law
Editorial Board
- Editor-in-Chief
- Nathan Runyan
- Managing Editor of Articles
- Nephi Hardman
- Managing Editor of Publication
- Richard S. Bower
- Managing Editor Training
- David N. Peris
- Managing Editor of Sumbmissions
- Landon W. Magnusson
- Managing Editor of Administration
- Rickey Nelson
- Lead Editors
Chad Funk
Dana Barnhill
Drew White
Eric Clarke
Justin Hess
Spencer Brown
Wiley Barker - Executive Editors
Doug Farr
Erin Bradley
Greg Anjewierden
Kara Lanette Chatterton
Miles Young
Victoria Anderson - Associate Editors
Andre Bennin
Brendan Bybee
Brent Huntley
Christopher Crockett
Dan Swiss
Doug Shumway
Eli McCann
Emily Hogan
Jeff Sanchez
Ken Fitzgerald
Landon Sullivan
Lindsay Lofgran
Matthew Seeley
McKenzie Armstrong
Nate Dearden
Riley Balling
Sean Stewart
Seth Neilsen
Severin T. Nelson
Steve Christensen
Tiffany Moore
Trent Bradford - Faculty Advisor
- Lynn D. Wardle